To demand the end of the torture of Bradley Manning in Quantico U.S. Marine Base, Virginia USA. Although 23 year old Bradley Manning is a U.S. Army intelligence officer he is being held without explanation in the largest U.S. Marine Base in the world! Bradley is being held, in effect, in isolation and sensory deprivation, his conditions are tortureous.
U.S. anti-war and human rights activists, lawyers, military veterans and the former commander of Quantico are heading down to Quantico this Sunday March 20 to demand justice for Bradley Manning. Others of us around the world will go on Sunday March 20 to U.S. embassies and sites of siginifiance in the U.S. wars on Iraq and Afghanistan and do like wise. Consider joining us or initiating your own activity for Bradley Manning on Sunday March 20.
Youtube - Previous Jan. 17 demonstration for Bradley at Quantico

Bradley has been accused of leaking, to WikiLeaks, footage of a U.S. helicopter gunship massacre in Iraq of 2 Reuters journalists, 9 Iraqi civilians and wounding the children in a vehicle that detoured from the "school run" to tend to the wounded and the dead. Those who carried out this massacre hve not been brought to account, the U.S. government wished to "shoot the messenger".

We refuse to accept this. We hope you to do too? Show viisible solidarity with Bradley Manning this Sunday March 20. If not with us at the U.S. embassy at 2pm - in your own community, speak out at church, stand in your city centre demand Justice for Bradley Manning!

Sunday March 20th. 2 pm
outside the U.S. Embassy, Gorsvenor Square, London
Closest tube: Bond St.
HIgh School Kidz from Brad's Welsh Village

Bruce Kent - Long time British Peace Activist and Organiser.

Ben Griffin
SAS Iraq Combat Veteran, Reusenik when he refused a 2nd tour deouncing the war, gagged from speaking of his experiences by the M.O.D./ High Court.

Peter Thatchell
Long Time Human Rights Activist

MC'd by Ciaron O'Reilly - former anti-war prisoner of the United States/ Disarmament of U.S. B52 Bomber

*Open Mike for (3 min) statements. Meet and discuss, following speeches, with other activists how we are going to free Bradley Manning and end the war!.
More info Ph. Ciaron 079 392 90576
Email ciaron AT
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