10th of March. 6.30 pm. Tickets £6 (£5 concessions)
BAF are a new local autonomous group formed to oppose fascism in all its forms. We are hosting a screening of Ken Loach's LAND AND FREEDOM and the Duke of York's picture house, Preston Circus , Brighton.
The film tells a story of David a young communist, who travels to Spain to fight fascism in the civil war. But the idealism of David and his comrades are tested to the limits as their friends are killed and the alliance disintegrates.
There will be discussion after the film about how we can oppose the fascism that we see today in the form of the BNP, EDL and other local Brighton groups.
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The Last of the International Brigaders
03.03.2011 14:37
International Brigaders
A very interesting programme on the efforts that the more clued up working class men and women made back then inorder to give their support in the fight against the advances of fascism. It can be heard here (unfortunately you only have two days left to hear this important story from those that lived it) :
The Last of the International Brigaders: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00yw5tv
Further dates regarding the International Brigade:
1-27 March 2011: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibition at Southampton Solent University, Sir James Matthews Building, 157-187 Above Bar Street,Southampton SO147NN; 9am-5pm
Mon-Fri (4.30pmonFri).
4 March 2011: Fundraisingevent for International Brigademusical “GoodbyeBarcelona”
at EuropeHouse, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P3EU; 4pm-6:30pm: to apply for
tickets: [ contact@goodbyebarcelona.com].
5 March 2011: IBMT’s annual Len Crome Memorial Lecture, “¡Salud! The British Contribution to the Republican Medical Services during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939” by Linda Palfreeman; 2:30pm, Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London SE16HZ; earlier, from
11am, a tribute inwords, music and film to former IBMT Chair Sam Lesser and Brigaders who
have died in the past 12months.Contact IBMT
9-12March2011: “ACrimeofCompassion”by Steve Aspinall, a play about International Brigaders; Actors’ Studio, 36 Seal Street, Liverpool L14BE; 7:30pm; boxoffice: 0151-709
28 March-16April: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibition at the Great Hall, The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire SO238PJ; 10am-5pm; [www3.hants.gov.uk/greathall].
22-24 April2011: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibitionat the Leaf Hall Community Arts Centre,
51 Seaside, Eastbourne BN227NB as part of Eastbourne Festival of Arts and Culture; Good
Friday: 12pm-5pm; Easter Saturday: 10am-5pm; Easter Sunday 10am-4pm; [www.leafhall.co.uk].
26April-13May2011: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibition at University of Portsmouth Library,
Cambridge Road, Portsmouth PO12ST; 8am-6:30pm; more information: [www.port.ac.uk/
16-28May2011: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibition at the Irish Labour History Society
Museum, Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4; 10:30am-4:30pm Mon-Fri;
[ http://ilhm.tripod.com/museum.html]; tel: (+353) 1-6681071.
21May2011: Lecture: “Irish Volunteers in the British Battalion”byRichardBaxell; 4pm; Irish
Labour History Society Museum, Dublin(see details above).
2-25 June 2011: IBMT’s “Antifascistas” exhibition in the Library, Market Street, Kidderminster,
Worcs DY101AB; 9am-5:30pm (8pm on Tues and 7pm on Weds/Thurs); [www.worcestershire.gov.uk/cms/community-and-living/librariesand-
Homepage: http://www.international-brigades.org.uk/IBMT%202011_1.pdf