WHERE - Giuseppe Conlon Hall
49 Mattison Rd. Harringey, N4 1BG
* Speakers/ Muscians to be announced Thursday Feb 3rd.
releasejulianassange at gmail.com
Ph. 079 39290576
LONDON SAT. FEB 5th. - Public Meeting "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!"
Flyer for event.....

WHERE - Giuseppe Conlon Hall
49 Mattison Rd. Harringey, N4 1BG
* Speakers/ Muscians to be announced Thursday Feb 3rd.
WHEN - Saturday February 5th.
* 2 pm GATHERING in the Hall for socialising and networking.
(enter by the side gate)
Bring some food to share and BYO Drinx!
* There will be an info table like at @ Bookfair for your literature
*Speakers *Music
*Film footage said by U.S. prosecution to be leaked by Bradley Manning!

published by WikiLeaks, narration by one of the U.S. marines on the ground after the U.S. helicopter gunship massacred unarmed Reuters journalists & the Iraqi family who came to tend to the wounded and an interview with Julian Assange from John Pilger's documentary The War You Don't See"

* 5 pm Social back in the Hall.
* 7 pm Close and move to a local pub.
* Closest Tubes: Manor House and Turnpike Lane.
* Closest Overground: Harringay
* Buses along Green Lanes at Harringay include 29 bendy bus from Trafalgar Square. Get off at Green Lanes/ Mattison Rd. stop. Giuseppe Conlon Hall is the large church building halfway up Mattison Rd.
to cover costs appreciated! Any surplus will go to Julian Assange and Bradley Mannig defence funds. Cheques paid to "London Catholic Worker"

Please write "Assange" on the back of the cheque and post it to Giuseppe Conlon House at the above address.
OTHER EVENTS.............
4.30-6.30 PM
(possible leafleting outside the embassy from 3pm, if you can help contact 079 392 905 76)
Vigil outside the Australian Embassy on The Strand, demanding the Australian government lifts its game defending the civil liberties of Australian citizen Julian Assange. Report from the previous December vigil at the Australian Embassy demanding Assange be released from Wandsworth Prison

Footage from previous action at embassy.....

Monday & Tuesday Feb 7th. & 8th.
Vigil outside Julian Assange's extradition hearing at Woolwich Court, Belmarsh Rd. SE28 OEY.
Buses 244 or 380 from Woolwich Arsenal Station
BRADLEY MANNING is already at the mercy of the U.S., having been held for 8 months in solitary confinement accused of leaking footage of a U.S. helicopter gunship massacre of unarmed Reuter reporters and an Iraqi family to WikiLeaks.
* Please write a solidarity card to Bradley Manning c/- Courage to Resist, , 484 Lake Park Ave. #41, Oakland CA. 94610 USA
Find out more at