Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!
releasejulianassange at
LONDON "AUSTRALIA DAY" 2011 - The Empire is trying to transport Julian Assange in chains to an outta sight American Gulag for the term of his natural life!
Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!
Flyer 5,000 to be distributed in London

Flyer promotes (Feb 4-8) events against the extradition of Julian Assange
(the extradition hearing is set for Feb 7 & 8, the site for the hearing has been moved from Westminister Magistrates to Woolwich Magistrates - conveniently attached to Belmarsh Category A Maximum Security Prison. A coincidence? I think not!)
Leafletting today ("Australia Day"/ if ya aborigine.... "Invasion Day"/ if ya Irish or Engish working class..... "Transportation Day") will primarily target Australians (one of the largest immigrant groups in London!) at appropriate venues and gigs!
Juian Assange is originally form Townsville, Queensand, Australia!
Who would have thunk?
If ya can help distribute - and you know Ciaron and he knows you - make contact on his mobile!