Pots and pans were used to make sure that the people working inside the factory could not forget that the components that they are producing cause suffering and misery in Palestine.
During January 2009 the Israeli military killed 1400 Palestinians in Gaza in a three week long massacre. After a fortnight of bombardment of the strip, on the 17th - two years ago today, six people, the Decommissioners - see
http://decommissioners.co.uk/ - broke into the factory and caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage, preventing the factory from operating. They were acquitted in Summer 2010 after arguing they were acting to prevent Israeli war crimes.
Israel continues to bombard the Gaza strip with F16s. EDO/ITT are still seeking to profit from Israel's war crimes - providing FRCS umbilical cables for Israel's new attack weapon, the F-35 - see
http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=3472 - we will not stop resisting EDO/ITT until they close.
Our next demo will be Wednesday 4 to 6pm at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Rd, Brighton