For attention of all international activist groups and movements regarding known involvement of UK undercover political police.
We need translation into French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and any other languages people think are relevant. Please post translations here
“Marco Jacobs”, “Mark Stone”, “Lyn Watson”
Three police officers all thought to work for The National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU), a political police unit with extensive links to large corporations, have been exposed by activists in the UK.
Two of them are known to have worked outside of UK police jurisdiction. All have actively taken part in illegal activity.
"MARCO JACOBS" Real name unkown
Infiltrated the Dissent! network of resistance against the G8 in Brighton, in 2004. Following suspicions that he was a policeman there, he moved to Cardiff, Wales where he successfully infiltrated Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN).
He encouraged ideological and personal splits within CAN.
He had at least one sexual relationship within activist circles.
Using his connections he then became involved in the Rising Tide Network. He was at the centre of a set of police raids and arrests that targeted climate justice activists, including one on his own flat.
He was involved in the No Border campaigns for freedom of movement. He was minute taker at UK wide gatherings. He had prior knowledge of No Borders successful blockades to prevent immigration snatch squad dawn raids on families,
He attended (with “Mark Stone”) a meeting in Poland prior to the G8 in Heligendam, It is believed that only one genuine UK based activist was at this event!
He travelled with UK activists to Germany to oppose the G8 in Heligendam, Germany 2007 and was actively involved in autonomous block planning at the Redelich camp.
He suddenly pulled out of attending the resistance to the G8 in St Petersburg Russia.
Towards the end of his career in Cardiff, friends became suspicious of him and he was increasingly being left out of sensitive discussions. Ironically this included the location of the 2008 Camp for Climate Action, the location of which was known by a small group including “Watson” and “Stone”.
“MARK STONE” Real name Mark Kennedy
Distributed Zapatista Coffee 'Rebelde' from Germany to UK social centres In 2004.
Worked as driver for 2004 Mayday Dublin was only person who escaped arrest at a house in the city, real activists served prison sentences related to equipment he supplied.
Travelled to Ireland to mobilise for G8 in Gleneagles.
Coordinated transport for the Dissent network of resistance against the G8 camp in Stirling Scotland in 2005. (a fleet of minibuses)
Was for a number of years involved in Climate Justice groups which faced repeated raids and arrests. These groups have been actively disrupted during this period.
Had sexual relationships with a number of activists.
Involved in anti-police anti corporate actions with Saving Iceland campaign in Iceland.
Was actively involved in Berlin radical left groups for some months prior to the Heligendam G8. Actively promoted a violent assault on Berlin business district. (Plan B)
Involved in anti-fascist activity. Encouraged anti-EDL campaigners to attack coaches carrying members of the extreme nationalist group to Bradford in 2010
More recent involvement in Animal Rights circles such as attending 2010 international AR gathering in Milan, Italy.
Appears to have moved into Private Spying. He shared a business address with a director of Global Open a company of private spies composed of ex -Special Branch, (political police.)
Kennedys role, has received intense media coverage in the UK, following the collapse of a court case against activists on Monday 10th January. This has led to highest ranking policeman Sir Hugh Orde defending infiltration of left wing groups on the Newsnight television programme.
Both “Marco Jacobs” and “Mark Stone” attended the Dissent! Europe gathering prior to Strasbourg, France anti NATO in 2009. Again very little real UK based activist involvement. (same time as G20 London)
“LYN WATSON” Real name unknown
Active in environmental activist groups centred around anarchist social centre, The Common Place, in Leeds. Northern England
Was member of the Rebel Clown Army.
Was actively involved in location planing for the 2008 Camp For Climate Action.
Had sexual relationships with a number of activists.
Is not known to have operated outside of the UK.
“Watson” “Stone” and “Jacobs” seem to have disappeared from left political circles in the UK.
Please add factual comments/corrections here so that statement can been produced for distribution through Indymedia and associated networks.
Please do not post anything you do not have direct knowledge of or can show where it comes from.
Please do not reveal any names or information that may reveal names of people other than the police themselves.
Please do not post the fact you once had tea with one of the infiltrators, only facts which develop a picture of their political involvement.
If groups could make statements that would be helpful.
Face to camera shots of “Marco” and “Lyn” would be very useful
Please do not repost information from other media there is a discussion of this here.

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