Heres some footage from last season, to get you in the mood...

Most sabs have been out for a few weeks already for the hunts' cubhunting, but it will be next weekend, the 30th, that many hunts hold their opening meet.
Although hunting is abhorent to most right thinking people, and, since 2005, illegal, most hunts continue as ever, only maybe now are just slightly more camera shy.
Many people do go out, on a regular basis throughout the season, taking direct action, intervening in hunts, saving foxes, and pissing of hunters. But, with police facilitation, many hunts still get away with murder. With more active people, more hunts can be disrupted more of the time, they can be shown that they can no longer do as they please.
So if you have a chance to protect wildlife, and take a stand against the arrogance of the aristocracy, on a weekly basis, what reason could you possibly have, comrade, for not jumping at it? Find out where your local group is:

There was an excellent article from a sab published here a few months back, it's still available here: