Canadian suffocated fishes ... until Harper stops the sealhunt

Canada Extends Bloody Seal Hunt To may 31
by Transmitter
Saturday May 29th, 2010 7:43 AM
boycotting Canada while Harper and
Shea continue their seal slaughter
Lies Lies and more lies from Gail Shea? Or further evidence that
(poster's note: Please spread the word, boycott American restaurants
such as Red Lobster and Olive Garden serving Canadian fish)
Canada's Fisheries Minister doesn't have a clue about the seal hunt?
May 12, 2010
Today's media is all aflutter with the news that Fisheries Minister Gail Shea has "extended" the closing date for the seal hunt Newfoundland to May 31. The press release issued by DFO states that the closing time for the seal hunt under the Marine Mammal Regulations is May 15.
Once again, we are presented with further evidence that Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans is either being deliberately dishonest, or they are simply ignorant of the facts concerning Canada's commercial seal hunt. A look at the Marine Mammal Regulations shows that the close date for the commercial harp seal "harvest" is June 15, not May 15. In effect, the Minister has shortened the seal hunt, rather than extended it!!!
While we'd like to thank the Minister for unwittingly cutting short the cruel and wasteful seal slaughter, one has to wonder: when a Minister is so unaware of the basic regulations surrounding her own seal hunt, how can anything she says possibly be believed?
In addition, it appears as though this whole announcement is a farce. Minister Shea's grand display of support for the sealing industry, to "allow sealers more time" to kill seals is nothing more than show: a conversation with a DFO representative today confirmed that there is only a single boat out sealing at this time. - Sheryl Fink
For more information, please visit

Technorati Tags: Canada, catch, DFO, IFAW, Seals, Shea
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Cheers: Apple clubs Seal Clubbing App
May 06, 2010
A Newfoundlander who designed a seal-clubbing video game claims he can't understand why it was rejected by Apple. Numerous media outlets have now reported that the "iSealClub" App will not be available for download. The game would allow users to use their iPhone or iTouch to club cartoon seals. The developer of the software claimed the App was "light-hearted" and cartoon based, saying "It's not what you would consider a very violent game. I know it involves clubbing seals, but (it's) no different than the way people get clubbed in Mickey Mouse or Looney Tunes."
The difference, of course, is that the clubbing and skinning of baby seals is not just a cartoon - it is a violent and brutal reality off Canada's east coast, with over 65,000 seal pups killed so far this year - all of them under 8 weeks of age. It is an activity that the majority of Canadians - and apparently decision makers at Apple - find offensive and repugnant.
The iSealClub App will now share the distinction of being rejected by Apple with other equally inappropriate and distasteful Apps, such as the BabyShaker, where a player shakes babies until they stop crying, and Wobble iBoobs , where the users could "interactively jiggle a particular part of the female anatomy."
Congratulations Apple on making what is clearly the right decision.