Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
On Nakba Day, tell the government to take action now:
Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
We demand the government:
* End Israel's violations of international law, including ending its illegal occupation and building of settlements
* End the siege on Gaza
* Support bringing Israeli war criminals to justice - no attack on universal jurisdiction
* Ban settlement goods
* Suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement
* End the arms trade with Israel
Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, CND and the Palestinian Forum in Britain.
Supported by: Association of the Palestinian Community UK, Friends of Lebanon, the Green Party, ICAHD UK, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Liberal Democrats Friends of Palestine, Pax Christi, Public and Commercial Services Union, UNISON, UNITE the Union, Zaytoun.
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