By increasing the size of the store, money will be drained from the independent shops, harming the town’s local economy. But police had received a tip off about the action and were on hand to prevent some protesters entering the shop while ejecting those who attempted to form a chain. Still a chain of 10 trolleys at a time did form.
As activists were thrown out of the store a party formed at the entrance with music and dancing from activists in endangered animal masks.
Climate Camp activist and Lewes resident Marina Pepper said: “Tesco is more expensive than people realise, thanks to their misleading advertising campaigns. They also rip off farmers and destroy local communities by undercutting and bankrupting competition leading to high unemployment and boarded up town centres.
“Tesco has a strong foothold in Lewes. It’s only the robustness of the local economy that has saved it so far. But these expansion plans are madness and could spell the end, destroying so much that our town holds dear – namely our independent shops which provide us with choices as to how we shop and what we buy.
“This action today was only the launch of a campaign that will see Climate Camp working side by side with community groups to ensure one way or another Tesco’s growth plans are thwarted. We implore people to contact their local councilors, especially those on the planning committee and tell them a bigger Tesco is unwelcome here. Ever y little extra will hurt.”
The activities of massive supermarkets like Tesco involve scandalous waste, pollution and environmental degradation.
Supermarket food travels vast distances, products are over packaged and customers travel ever greater distances once local shops are driven out of business. This leads to an increase in road congestion, accidents, noise, air pollution and CO2 emissions which contribute to climate change.
Supermarket demands are also behind the continuing industrialisation of agriculture. Big farmers are getting bigger to survive while small farmers are going bust. This leads to increased disease among livestock and cruel factory farm practices.
Further information.
Tesco stores erode local choice as smaller, independent shops struggle to compete. Independent stores in the UK shut at the rate of 2,000 a year in recent years. Over 17,000 independent shops closed in England and Wales last year.
Large supermarkets like Tesco also:
• Siphon money away from local communities and towards distant corporations
• Increase traffic and congestion from lorry movements and customers
• Destroy local jobs and undermine local job markets
• Every large outlet causes the net loss of 276 local jobs on average
• Generate waste and over-package their products
• Exploit suppliers and damage the environment
• Cynically manipulate prices to fleece shoppers
Tesco is the largest retailer in the UK:
• Over £1 in every £7 (14.3%) of UK retail sales is spent at Tesco
• It has takings of more than £1 billion a week
• It made profits of over £3 billion last year
• It has £30 million turnover in Lewes compared to £17m for all other shops
Hide the following 17 comments
28.02.2010 18:45
However, here are two points of (constructive?) criticism.
1) Are informal hierarchies developing in your neighbourhood climate camp group? Marina Pepper seems to be one of those 'non-hierarchical' leaders of activist groups.
2) This is hardly anti-capitalist - and Marina's sentiments are positively pro-capitalist (unless your idea of anti-capitalism is preferring small scale capitalism to large scale capitalism). In light of the recent re-evaluations of CfCA, arguing it's lost its anti-capitalist roots this is especially worrying.
Also, a question:
What, in concrete terms, did you hope to achieve with this protest?
anarchist climate camper
get real
28.02.2010 19:25
i live in lewes, and i can't afford to choose how to shop or what to buy in the independent shops. i've got a tight budget and a family to feed. that's why i go to tesco's.
i hate doing it because i'd love to be able to shop locally, buy from local farmers, eat organic, etc etc. but like most people i don't have that choice. shutting tesco's wouldn't help me, i would just have to travel further to get the cheap food that keeps my family going.
most of the independent shops are no better than tesco's in terms of how they treat their staff, or how many miles their products travel to get to the shops, or how well the workers at the start of the process are paid, etc etc.
get real, before its too late, marina, or else piss off.
lewes resident
More thoughts
28.02.2010 19:46
Sometimes I think people manage to have a discussion, nod their head at the right moments, and yet have no understanding of what we're all actually talking about...
And what's with the stupid dressing up and dancing unless it's to make us look like student hippies?
clear off
28.02.2010 21:22
I think you are all medically insane. The only thing that needs to be done is the rest of us not contributing to filling your stomaches with food (because that food is tainted by business).
Please go away and let the rest of us have normal lives, whilst you live under a rock or something.
this qoute exactly what puts people off climate camp...
28.02.2010 22:31
I should add that i have no problem with people engaging in this kind of thing for short term pragmatic reasons...just not under the banner of climate camp...if we are serious about being non-lobbying anti-capitalists
28.02.2010 22:43
Camp follower
Don't protest;
01.03.2010 00:30
Give the people the space to run our own businesses. Let us learn real skills (without crap government initiatives). Let us run our own economies. No tax. No business development loans. No equity finance. Leave us to live within our own means. Leave the capital in the hands of the workers.
anarchist: a self employed person who works from home
01.03.2010 09:49
You seem to have a poor understanding of what anti-capitalism means. Business means running an organisation which produces goods. The problem is not producing goods (which people need to survive and to have a decent quality of living), but with who profits from this. Wealth disparity has been increasing rapidly over the past 25 years, in this country 90% of the wealth is owned by 10% of the people, this trend needs to be reversed.
The Lewes resident here aptly describes how the independent shops are in fact more expensive than Tesco. This is the main problem with 'ethical' produce, it is really just a feel good factor lifestyle choice which excludes people who cannot pay.
My thoughts are that rather than dancing around outside tesco with a banjo and what looks like a papier mache fish on your head, it would probably make more sense to join a union such as the IWW and look at how you can unionise as many of the 'businesses' in Lewes as possible, including tesco.
Fighting for better pay and conditions for all is the way to go.
nice one & comments
01.03.2010 10:00
As to anti-capitalism, well, the comments above show to me clearly what a nonsense it is! What does it mean? 101 different things to different people! There's nothing in the concept that is necessarily non-hierarchical either, because it doesn't deal with the deeper problems, that of how power is used, and that is a feature in capitalist, communist, socialist and other societies, even in dysfunctional anarchist movements sometimes.
To me, it's not a problem if there are people who put lots of energy into making actions happening, but what we have to be careful about is promoting that 'star activist' sense that can hinder other people being confident to take those roles. Don't use your real name on a press release (it also makes sense legally and to avoid the personalisation of politics and ideas).
The Camp for Climate Action did not have anti-capitalist roots, so much as anarchist roots (whether self-identified or just means of organising/values behind structures). It did try to address the root causes of climate chaos and not look to politicians or business to sort out the problems. See old versions of it for reference, at, such as at
As such, YES, don't ask people to contact councillors under a climate camp banner. Just because I engage in certain kinds of activism outside my campaigning life, doesn't mean I have to include them all under the one banner, if that damages that banner.
more direct action, less street theatre please
01.03.2010 10:18
One of the aims of the climate camp is direct action, not any of the others.
Think about it.
fuck the Global South, buy at Tesco
01.03.2010 10:26
And don't dismiss buying ethically as just about lifestyle - that's just absurd, unless you want to dismiss the working practices of business the other side of the world and the impact on people's lives, what, just because it's far away and they're not white?!! It doesn't in itself exclude people who can't afford it, and that doesn't devalue the impact of the choices some people will be able to make. I've seen examples of shops that sell ethical goods which are cheaper than supermarket prices, both on a small-scale corner shop scale in poorer areas, and on a bigger 'mini-supermarket' level in areas which have a mix of affluent and poorer.
There's no better pay and conditions on a dead planet
Re: fuck the Global South, buy at Tesco
01.03.2010 11:28
Excuse me
01.03.2010 12:29
I am an anarchist and neither she nor anyone else is my queen.
To paraphase Monty Python "what do you mean mean you're queen? I didn't vote for you".
Rosie Perkins
Mrs Perkins
@ A
01.03.2010 16:31
Fuck Tesco! Good work CC!
One step forward two steps backwards?
01.03.2010 17:37
It is nice to see a big action occured that did not require people shipped in from accross the country and a whole load of massive meetings before hand. Highlighting how damaging Tescos and their like are for the community and the wider world is great too.
But this article (maybe the action too?) seems to have totally missed the point. Here some thoughts.
1) It has absolutely no analysis of why Tescos do the things they do. Reading the article it would seem that Tescos are simply antisocial maniacs, once they are stopped all will be fine. However Tescos are merely following the underlying logic of capitalism - profit at all costs.
2) This article is very pro local small business, as the first poster says, but this is not a solution to the problem. The main reason small local businesses are not big multinational corporations is that the big corporations got there first and do it better.
3) The Marina Pepper quote uses possibley the most pro-capitalist arguement possible, that of freedom to choose what to buy. What the fuck. Freedom is not simply limited to a choice between brands of bread and butter, there are far greater freedoms that capitalism - including small local capitalism - deprive us of.
4) "Imploring local councilors"? Again, what the fuck. This is exactly what the camp stands against. Representative democracy fails us. Surely the fact that such a vast number of Tescos exist up and down the country should make that pretty clear; Lewes isn't special. The camp calls for people to take direct control of their own lives rather than willing someone else to do it for them.
5) As pointed out this article doesn't mention at all why people actually do shop at Tescos and go any lengths to address this.
6) Using the name Marina Pepper. One of the things the camp very often does in press communications is to use fake names to prevent any kind of distraction around individuals. It annoys me to see this is not the case here, arguably for one of the names that would need it the most.
7) Fair enough if you want to wear animal masks (they do make a nice alternative to black bandanas) but for me climate camp campaigns around the issue of climate change for much more than the extinction of species - the gigantic suffering it will entail to people accross the globe. However sadly this article does not mention this at all, assuming the reader will understand.
northern climate campista
re: Re: fuck the Global South, buy at Tesco
01.03.2010 22:17
> These shops *are* a lifestyle choice and are out of the financial reach of a lot of people. I disagree with
> you that these shops sell produce cheaper than supermarkets, this is simply untrue. The point is all
A good start would be if you read my post, rather than reaching straight for your ideological sharp shooter! Yes some are expensive, as are some supermarkets; what I said, if you read it, is that I've seen examples where they are cheaper than supermarkets, and cater for people with low income (eg single teabags and eggs).
If you think supermarkets per se are cheap you need to look a little closer at your own lifestyle choices.
Anyway, you still don't answer my point of why it's OK to fuck over unionised and/or co-op labour in the global South because you prefer to support anti-union supermarkets here! Your lifestyle choices are killing people - under water/storms, through shit work, etc. They just don't live near us.
@B: why it's OK to fuck over unionised and/or co-op labour in the global South
04.03.2010 10:24