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Animal Protection Party shops thrive in spite of police clampdown on SHAC stalls

Vegan Anarchist | 22.02.2010 05:39 | SOCPA | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Repression | South Coast | World

The Animal Protection Party have opened another shop, which they say have "gone from strenght to strength" in spite of the massive police clampdown on fundraising stalls for AR groups like SHAC. After the police raids on SHAC they claimed that SHAC had raised £1 million through street stalls & closed down the SHAC [which they said were ALF] stalls. The APP shops however stay open.

The Animal Protection Party have opened another shop in Belverdere Kent not far from their other shop in Bexleyheath despite the huge police crackdown on fundraising for groups like SHAC. Other shops that the APP had were closed down by councils who they say "suddenly realised what they were about" and had the landlords evict them but the APP have managed to keep hold of the newest one in Kent.
More shops coming soon despite the police crackdown!


SHAC is a legal organisation campaigning to close the hellhole that is HLS. HLS are lawbreakers and perverts. Close HLS! More SHAC stalls please....

Vegan Anarchist


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Thanks for the heads up...

22.02.2010 08:17

we will look into it.


How are these even comparable? Stalls are legal, they still are...

22.02.2010 08:36

A shop is quite a different story to a street stall... the two seem barely comparable.

Stalls are entirely legal, as long as you are not asking people for their money by shaking a tin at them. The main reason they have stopped these days is because people are too cowardly to do them and too cowardly to stand up to the cops. In effect, it is our own fear of police that has shut down stalls, not the police themselves.


You need a licence from the council

22.02.2010 08:43

To do a stall and collect money you need to be licensed – the licence comes from the local authority. If you do a few NETCU complain to the LA and tell them that SHAC is the ALF and they revoke you licence.
If you do a stall without a licence then the pigs arrest you for having an unlicensed stall - the only way is NOT to collect money.

Licence man

troll post

22.02.2010 09:56

This smells like one of SHACwatch's troll posts - I think it should be removed.

This is total bullshit for example and wouldn't be something a "vegan anarchist" would say anyway: 'Other shops that the APP had were closed down by councils who they say "suddenly realised what they were about" and had the landlords evict them'

The purpose is to link APP with SHAC in people's minds, when in fact they are totally different groups with totally different aims and objectives.

What is Indymedia going to do about the constant misuse of itself by pro animal abuse trolls?


Stalls + cops

22.02.2010 11:34

It is better to get a license, but that is only necessary for street collections. If you stand on the street with your leaflet stall, and people want to give you money, but you do not ask, this is not an offence!

I have once done an animal rights street stall which was shut down, while across the road an anti-war stall was doing exactly the same (not asking for money, but accepting donations if people wanted to give them) -- funnily enough they were left well alone! It is mainly something against AR activism rather than illegality of accepting donations, largely because it is not illegal.

And yes, this article does seem to stink a bit of a deliberate attempt to 'smear' APP's new line of shops, I would expect it has indeed been posted by cops.


APP shops all still open. This article is untrue

22.02.2010 14:58

The APP have not had any shops closed, all shops remain open. There are currently 3 shops open and soon to be a 4th


Read the blog. The shops were closed Simon. One that shut was next to McDonalds.

22.02.2010 19:14

For whatever reason those shops were closed...one because it was next to MacDonalds.


I don't think defending shac amounts to "shacwatch"!

22.02.2010 20:52

What an absurd thing to say! That's just silly and people should be able to democratically say what is on their / our minds about the Animal Protection Party without being called SHACwatch. The person above supports SHAC and say so. They are not SHACwatch.

With SHAC NETCU have relentlessly persecuted a legal campaign while the police have looked the other way when hunt sabs have been beaten up and other AR people threatened.

I support SHAC. I agree with the above person that the police have eroded SHAC's civil liberties and I agree that it is a bit weird that the APP are left alone by the police especially after all the things that have been going on. I am against what has been happening with people from APP haranguing other AR people on Indymedia.

I am worried that the police have harassed Indymedia into not letting SHAC and Stop Sequani post on Indymedia any more. Indymedia is great and are having their civil liberties harassed by NETCU.

I support most AR groups but have reservations about the Animal Protection Party. Sorry.

shac supporter

There are only two shops and yes one was closed next to McDonalds.

22.02.2010 21:31

There are two shops. Both are in Kent. They [APP] have said that McDonalds was next to the one that got closed. I think it's fair that someone can support SHAC but not the Animal Protection Party without being called trolls. The two groups are nowhere near the same. We can't ask Indymedia to nanny all our thoughts, people can say what they want about the APP if they want. Saying that people can't say what they want is repression. If people don't like the APP that is up to them.

Did McDonalds have the other shop closed? Close McDonalds then. I hate McDonalds, they exlpoit Hispanic workers, destroy rainforests and sell rubbish. Close them, they stink.


To Donut. Are you smearing the anti war movement?

22.02.2010 21:38

Are you smearing the anti war movement? What are you trying to say about them? If they are "being left alone"?...what do you mean?


Animal Protection Party have said that they have all our AR phones tapped.

22.02.2010 22:48

The Animal Protection Party have been getting at people across AR in private and in public. They have been telling people that they have all our phones tapped! Somewhere along the line something has gone very awry with the APP.

Not Bloody NETCU

@ simmy

22.02.2010 23:05

she/he probably meant it wasn't disarm dsei or smash edo just the usual bunch of cop loving brownose fucks that run the now defunct (well always defunct) stwc (socialists together with christians)


Come on, this is clear trolling

23.02.2010 00:22

APP have nothing to do with SHAC, so why mention them in the same article unless the objective is guilt by association? This article just doesn't make sense, it is entirely non-news, and the intent is obviously to shit-stir.


re: I don't think defending shac amounts to "shacwatch"!

23.02.2010 00:33

Deliberately trying to obscure the point, which is further evidence of trolling.

I think what both SHAC and APP do are great, but they are totally different things. SHAC got harassed because of direct action carried out by unknown people towards the aims of the campaign.

APP are just a political party trying to put pressure on pro-animal abuse MPs in marginal seats. They are a completely different style of campaign to SHAC and have a totally different objective. So it's hardly surprising they don't get so much police harassment.

It's a common trolling tactic to try to divide and rule by insinuating arguments that don't really exist.

The poster isn't "defending SHAC", they are just stirring up trouble.


The APP go on SHAC demos. Starting a split group is divide and rule.

23.02.2010 03:51

Your comments that someone is trying to bracket the APP and SHAC together is ridiculous. The APP lot are regularly on SHAC demos so they are associating with SHAC. I do not support the APP for reasons including public attacks and other very childish posts from APP on Indymedia and in other places. You claim that to say that the APP are not SHAC and are therefore divided from them but you then say that they are nothing to do with each other's work and to bracket them together or to favour one and not the other is to divide and rule. I don't run anything or rule anything so who am I trying to divide and rule over? What is happeneing in real life with the APP is serious and goes way beyond arguments over troll posts. Is Indymedia going to become undemocratic where people cannot criticise the APP? It's bad enough that SHAC and Stop Sequani have been banned but now we cannot defend Animals Count without being accused of shit stirring. The APP lie about Animals Count, one of them lied about Rolanda when she did nothing wrong and had not done what she was accused of. If Indy ban any criticism about the APP the we are talking about censorship and repression. Perhaps there should be a new independent media forum in that case where SHAC and Stop Sequani can post and where we can say what many of us think and say in private[ish] about the APP.
The point that the original post was making [it's not mine] was that it smells fishy that the APP do get left alone when SHAC are repressed by NETCU. The APP go on SHAC demos like I have pointed out...SHAC were harrassed by the police because of the actions of their supporters ie the people who go on demos which does therefore include many of the APP.
The APP include Keith Mann who has been jailed for setting fire to things and supporters of the APP have said [on Indymedia] that they support the APP because they believe the APP to support extremism...but SHAC get jailed and the APP get left alone. That was the point made.
I don't think that the APP can just ask that anything negative about them is removed or that it is trolling, maybe they should realise that they are the ones dividing and ruling. Why start a split group to compete with Animals Count? Now THAT is divide and rule.


Do the APP not support SHAC? What do the APP think of SHAC?

23.02.2010 04:14

Why start the split group against AC? That's divide and rule.

It's madness to say that the APP have no associations with SHAC, nearly all the APP have been on and still go on SHAC demos. The APP go on the SHAC and Bradford demos so they are associating with SHAC. To say that they are not is complete bullshit. Do the APP not support SHAC? What do the APP think of SHAC? Are they against SHAC?
It is very true that they have different way of doing things that means that one gets harrassed by the police and the other doesn't but quite what that is can be interpreted however you want.
If the APP want to be taken seriously as a political party then they have to be able to take what other political parties take and that is criticism in the same way that people slag off Gordon Brown. I think too that they should have just let Animals Count get on with the political stuff and please can the APP... STOP saying that Animals Count adopted their politics when they did not in any way shape or form. It's utter crap to say that about Animals Count.
Why are the APP putting themselves in the firing line if they can't take any criticism?
As for being an "animal abuser" I'm a vegan. I support AC, I back SHAC, I send money to both. The APP are not what I believe in and that's my democratic right and I have a democratic right to say what I think without being called names or being accused of being someone that I am not or being called a blooming troll. To say that we can't say anything against the APP amounts to fascism.


last two anons seems like subtle trolls to me

23.02.2010 12:06

Read what they say carefully, it just isn't something an animal rights activist would say. especially in public.

I'm convinced it is a troll. Their method is to pretend to be a genuine activist but then try to create internal dissent and link people or groups to illegal activities. Could it be that these posts mysteriously turn up in future court cases or media reports to "prove" groups are linked to direct action?

I know genuine people have differences of opinion over direct action, political campaigning, etc. But most are content to disagree in private and let the other groups get on with it.

There is nothing newsworthy about this post at all, it is entirely negative, inaccurate, uses personal details, and is detrimental to the AR movement. Indymedia is being used here as an unwitting stooge because of its lack of ability to validate posters as genuine. It's becoming a troll's wet dream and is in danger of benefiting our opponents more that the communities it is supposed to serve.

There is no way this is just a genuine activist who wants to "express their opinion" as it claims to be. There has been a pattern of similar posts recently, and obviously there is a hidden agenda.


APP and Shacwatch

23.02.2010 21:59

Other than Keith Mann none of the APP people have ever been attacked on Shacwatch although they are regulars on the Shac and Bradford demos. This is skewed as Keith doesn't go on many Shac demos but the APP go to most of them. It shows how stupid shacwatch are.


The APP. Who are they and where did they come from?

23.02.2010 22:02

Who are they and where did they come from?

Interesting argument.

To answer : Who are the APP? Keith Mann is The President.

24.02.2010 00:29

On their facebook they describe Keith Mann as "The President". What is he President of? The APP or AR as a whole? They [the APP] have said he will be standing as an MP in the past. Calling himself The President makes him look like an egomaniac. Animal Rights is supposed to be non hierarchical and calling yourself The President suggests otherwise. A lot of people are really p***** off about all the lying, name calling and harassment of people that has gone on by the APP.
The APP members have said that "SHAC is over" and that a "new group will take over as predicted". Who do they mean? The APP? Whatever this means I don't remember voting for The President.

In their blurbs on Indymedia [and in their blogs] it comes over as all about them and not so much about the animals which kind of sums things up.

The Real Presidents

The APP are focusing on Cancer Research UK

24.02.2010 03:50

Check out the myspace with SPEAK Political posters in the pics section.

- Homepage: http://www.myspace.com/charitywatch

Troll alert! Can't these posts be removed from Indymedia?

24.02.2010 10:51

All these APP posts (except maybe the original one) are obvious trolls and the comments are full of trolls too. I see a few of the trolling comments have been hidden, but this original article is clearly a troll too.

I'm not involved with APP nor am I a big fan of political campaigning, but I know some of the people involved with it, they are dedicated activists and they seem to be doing a great job, so I let them get on with it.

APP have clearly made some enemies in high places to warrant all this shit-stirring and trolling. Why are they so scared of them, I wonder?


APP and lies. Keith's aattck on Rolanda for a start....he lied about her. Why?

26.02.2010 17:06

Why did he do that? He claimed that she sabotaged his website when she didn't. He lied. The APP have told a whole bunch of lies about people. The charitywatch myspace is run by them, it's got their pictures within it but they are saying that they didn't create it when they did. They have lied about Animals Count. Animals Count did not adopt their policies as they have claimed. The people that are lying are the APP.


Questions : Why CR-UK? What are the beliefs exactly with the aliens?

26.02.2010 20:15

If you look at all of it put together, Keith with his blogs about David Icke and the aliens stuff, the Animal Protection Party and their particular hatred for Cancer Research UK, the charitywatch myspace with all the references to Cancer Research UK and an article about aliens and terrorism from CNN [the whole article isn't printed but rather it alludes to it in an excerpt], the Camden Sanity Brigade [also APP] and their articles about Cancer Research UK and aliens.
What are they trying to say, that it's the aliens that are behind Cancer Research UK? Are aliens the ones causing cancer? I'm not taking the piss... these are serious questions that need to be answered as the APP have quite a thing about both and I want to know if there's a connection for them or are the two things seperate?
Why do they have two obsessions going on...aliens and Cancer Research UK? Aside from the other accusations of violence [which I believe it to be true], somone needs to ask just what is all this alien / David Icke stuff about and why Cancer Research in particular? It has to be said too that the APP are trying to dissociate from SHAC...why? Is this a split?
The APP are quick to dissociate from SHAC and their form of direct action but have said that they don't condemn [or condone to be fair] the sending of parcel bombs [which wasn't an AR person and which they have since amended in private though not on their blog to be fair], so what sort of direct action do you support then?
Why Cancer Research UK in particular?
What have aliens got to do with AR?
Is there a connection between aliens, AR and Cancer Research UK? If so what is it?


Article about this from independent AR person

02.03.2010 03:22

He asks a very good question....

- Homepage: http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html

Alien cafe

13.04.2010 14:10

There is an alien cafe in Camden Town, London.


- Homepage: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2010/03/448226.html


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