Scientists from the NIMR have spoken out against the lab as have MI5 [they get things right sometimes like this time over the lab but still deserve to be investigated for the way they have treated Camden Somalian people.]
Some people are concerned that the proximity to the Channel Tunnel link into and from Europe could lead to some of the facility being used as a compuslory health check / immigration processing centre as are used at airports in many countries in conjunction with an immigartion detention centre for people who "fail" health checks at immigration.
Whatever the UKCMRI lab will be used for [the consortium have admitted having "no clear vision" as have parliamentray reports] it will contain deadly disease which could reach the community vi accident or deliberate attack. There is also the chance that in the evnt of fire or deliberate explosion the proximity of nuclear trains carrying radioactive fuel rods pose a real threat.
There is also the threat to the community, many of whom are Muslim and Catholic Irish who could find themselves under survelliance from MI5 and MI6 simply because they live here.
This lab must be opposed and even more so when pro viv / scientists people are saying so.
Contact Camden council to oppose planning permission [in advance] for the lab which will be applied for in the Spring.