Twenty four hours notice with no leaflets handed out to people living in London from the consortium, is not a "full community consultation".
Helia Evans chair of the Somers Town tenants association has said : "Most people want housing as that's what we need".
Malcom Grant of the UCL [part of the consortium consisting of the Wellcome Trust, MRC, CRUK] has admitted that the lab poses an "inherent risk" of terrorism has said that he hopes the Home Office will give adequate security support. The lab could well be a level 4 facility which does in fact mean that top level security at the site, feet away from people's homes could involve armed police, MI5 survelliance of everbody living here due to risk of virus leak, bomb attack etc and the proximiyt to the Channel Tunnel will heighten this.
If you want to know more about the lab and how this will impact on the environmne tand the community [everywhere, not just Camden....] you can read up on it in "50 Ways to F**k The Planet" by Mark Townsend and David Glick.
The consortium have admitted that they will ignore the council's planning brief for the area.
The consortium have said that they "will test on rats" and that the research will be "mostly into cancer" which we believe is not entirely true. The can test on many animals, goats, sheep, horses and ponies, guinea pigs, rabbits etc and the work will likely include research using deadly pthogens say campaigners who live locally.