Information here:
NEW INFO LINES If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10.
Bring bikes if you can. Also we need O2 sim cards (lots of them) and tents, because lots of people might be homeless by next week.
Police have begun clearing the Ethiopian squat (i.e. throwing stuff out of the building, using a military-style truck). All inhabitants have gone - no one knows where. Police have gone to all other squat to find out how many people live in each. Police have several military-style trucks on stand-by apparently preparing mass evictions.
*Thursday 17th September
We are receiving news that the CRS have been showing a heavy presence at the Pashtun ‘jungle’, arresting groups of migrants. Also bulldozers have appeared at this ‘jungle’. This seems so far to be an escalation of the initimidation rather than a wholesale clearance, but immigration minister Besson has claimed he wants rid of the ‘jungles’ by the end of next week. More on the ground presence required to keep track of what is going on, and frustrate these actions.
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