This morning this painted message appeared at the main roundabout from Calais ferry port. In English: "BORDERS = SUFFERING"
If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10 or email us. Lots of new info at the website, have a look through the different categories. More people are coming all the time and we are beginning to be able to intervene more effectively against police violence.
There is also a Medecins du Monde operation to treat the scabies epidemic 17-21 August needing volunteers. Again, contact us if you are interested - info on this on the blog under the 'scabies operation' category. Although this operation is now thrown into some confusion by Besson's statement last night. He also said he was requesiting showers from Secours Catholic, the same organisation that the police and local authority refused to allow to set up showers in July, before the scabies problem was an epidemic. Definite political spin going on in France at the expense of migrants.
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