The boats have met stiff resistance from people at the newly formed Rossport Solidarity Camp. There have been attempts to dismantle the causeway at the Shell compound and numerous water based actions against dredging work . Last week the crane one of the dredgers was occupied on two occasions, once for over 10 hours, halting work for this period.
As well as the camp's usual running costs, a lot of money has been paid our recently as the Garda have been demanding 100-500 Euros bail money- this has been paid out for most of the many arrests on the water and land actions in the last few weeks. The Garda also grabbed and slashed 5 inflatable kayaks and took 1 hard kayak while making arrests on the water on Thursday morning. Please help keep this very active camp up and running! Thanks...
The time frame for pipeline work is limited; if resistance can be sustained for enough time pipeline work can be halted again this year. The camp is calling for people to go to Mayo to support the struggle against Shell.
Donations to the running of the camp can be made to:
ACCOUNT: The Rossport Solidarity Camp Account
BANK: Bank of Ireland
SORT CODE: 905299?
A/C NUMBER: 24306733?
or please get in touch at