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Argus attack on Squatters

Steve Bassam | 10.05.2009 22:58 | South Coast

"Online networks are helping squatters to find and occupy empty properties in Brighton and Hove."


10:30pm Sunday 10th May 2009
Online networks are helping squatters to find and occupy empty properties in Brighton and Hove.

They are providing groups with guidelines for where to look for places, how to get in, what to do once they are there and telling them what legal rights they have. The situation has been revealed after squatters caused about £20,000 of damage to an empty house after breaking in within days of new buyers taking ownership.

When they were evicted, faeces were found in every room of the building in Eastern Road, Brighton.

Staircases and windows had been smashed and graffiti vilifying the owners was scrawled over the walls.

Owner Steve Thorley said the occupation had been well planned and executed and timed “as though they had been tipped off”.

Mr Thorley said: “I have subsequently heard through police officers and others that there are networks in this area helping to guide squatters to places. I’m extremely angry.”

Several websites have been set up in Brighton and Hove giving advice to squatters.

One, Brighton Freespace, has set out a plan to squat in any and all buildings vacated around the London Road area to try to block development proposals involving Tesco.

Brighton-based direct action website SchNews carries a guide to squatting which includes sections titled “finding a place” and “dealing with the boys in blue”.

The Brighton and Hove Service Search website directs anyone looking for advice on squatting to weekly Welfare Rights Advice sessions at the Cowley Club, a libertarian centre in London Road, Brighton.

Brighton Kemptown MP Des Turner said: “It is not entirely surprising that something like this exists but it is not very laudable.”

Mr Thorley, 44, of Chailey, near Haywards Heath, bought the house trashed by squatters in March after it had been empty for two years. He and partner Janet Nunn planned to convert the three-storey Victorian property into flats to be let through Brighton and Hove City Council.

He said: “I grew up in Brighton and it makes me sad to see all these empty houses.

“We were trying to do something good here and have had it thrown in our faces. I’ve had to pay £2,000 in court fees to have them evicted and they’ve been able to do £20,000 damage while we had to wait for the order to come through.”

Ms Nunn said the group of ten squatters had been well organised, moving in within days of the couple taking ownership and sticking a sign on the front door setting out their legal squatters’ right.

They used knowledge of power company regulations to have the electricity turned on. Mr Thorley said he had an amicable conversation with the squatters when he discovered they had moved in. He offered them some of the cash he would be spending on legal fees to move on, but they refused the approach.

They promised not to damage the house. But when they were evicted on Friday he discovered they had not kept their word. They had strewn three skiploads of rubbish through the house, scrawled aggressive graffiti on walls and torn down banisters to use as barriers to block doors.

He found large pools of dried blood in one room.

Mr Thorley said: “It was vile in there. Disgusting.”

Maria Caulfield, Brighton and Hove City Council’s cabinet member for housing, said the city did not have a widespread problem with squatting and had good teams in place to help people who did squat to find legitimate homes.

She said: “I think most do it for idealistic reasons.”

A volunteer at the Cowley Club said it did not hold any formal meetings about squatting but said several members were knowledgeable in the area and willing to help others.

He said most of the squatters he knew of were ethical people who would not target private homes or want to commit damage. He said: “People want somewhere nice to live.

They’ve got nothing to gain from making it a mess.”


Steve Bassam


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11.05.2009 00:28

Just a quick question...
if the property is all locked up etc, how do the squatters gain access with being blatant breaking and entering. And if they do, how can they claim legal rights to stay?

I mean, whats the precident for this? If i go to the stops and find a squatter had broken into my flat and put a notice on the door, is there nothing i can do? Just sounds like the law is protect the offender and punishes the victim.



11.05.2009 01:29

If you were to go to the shops and come back to find your home squatted, there's lots you can do, but it doesn't happen. If someone tried to squat a house while it was full of personal possessions they'd look more like a burgler than a squatter.

Also, you'd be a Displaced Residential Occupier, which means you'd be within your legal rights to break back into your own home in order to evict the squatters, and the police would almost certainly help you if you asked. Squatters occupy empty otherwise empty buildings or land, not people's homes.

Sometimes there is criminal damage to get in to unused properties, but if the squatters are serious about wanting to live somewhere then it will be minimal and hopefully quickly repaid. Other times there are ways in without doing any physical damage. The right to a home has to trump the right to keep a building empty, although unfortunately it very rarely does it the courts.

Ex Squatter

how occupation works

11.05.2009 02:43

It is an urban myth that squatters can take over your flat while you go out to the shops or off on holiday. Only vacant premises can be squatted - that wouldn't include your residence. If a tenancy has already been signed on a house or flat then it is also protected against squatters, even if no-one has moved in yet. Usually empty buildings are secured and near impossible to get into without causing damage (such as breaking an easily replaceable window latch) but as far as the law is concerned that is an issue with the particual individual who causde the damage, not necesarily everyone who happens to be physically occupying the building. Proving who might have broken what without any witnesses is near impossible. Often buildings that are left empty for some time end up being vandalised by kids - stones put through windows, etc, - and have become unsecure as a result of that.

ex squatter


11.05.2009 08:29

Well despite the fact you word your enquiry like an indictment, I'll give you an answer.

As ex-squatter above points out, no one squats occupied property. Apart from the fact it is legally impossible to squat an already occupied property, that it'd make no sense as you are just setting yourself up for a load of unnecessary hassle, it's just plain morally wrong. So, I have never heard of it happening.

Squatters normally make a point of checking out properties over a period of time before "breaking a squat". After a while you get a fairly good nose for what is occupied and not. It's really obvious: dirty windows with no curtains; piles of mail behind doors; no refuse being put out; generally poor state of (dis)repair... and the dead cert giveaway: "steel curtains" (i.e. Council metal shutters and doors).

Most of the places we squatted in my day in London were places owned by local borough councils. Most often these places were perfectly serviceable properties flats that the council had just sealed up either for budgetary reasons or because the areas were so shitty only the odd isolated/vulnerable refugees would be dumped in massive decaying blocks.

The properties would usually have been vandalised deliberately by people employed by the council to smash up all the bathroom fittings in a pathetic attempt to dissuade squatters. In reality- you don't have to be a genius to drag a toilet out a skip and plumb one in.

Often, we'd find that councils may start renovating the properties we were in and we'd be gradually or en masse moved on, and that the builders renovating the property for the Borough councils would tell us where nearby empty council property was.

There were just a few squats in private property around, but usually they were listed as being owned by absentee landlords abroad and obviously only buying property as a speculative investment with no intentions of letting anyone live there.

Oh, and I have no clue whether 'breaking a squat' constitutes burglary or b&e. I suspect it doesn't so long as the property in unoccupied. The worst that ever happened to any of us was to get our tools confiscated and threatened with made up charges of criminal damage or something equally as stupid (and the police wonder why people fucking hate them?)

When the Lavvy Breaks

the post mayday backlash

11.05.2009 09:20

if you hadnt noticed the argus editors are on one of their regular 'anachist scare' missions at the moment, probably telling their journos to leave no stone unturned that might reveal the protest movement of brighton in a bad light.

the week before last we had

1. anarchists to bus in more anarchists for mass anarchist demo
2. anarchists publish map of places place to smash up and violently attack pedestrians
3 anarchists to invade city and cause chaos

in the week so far we have had

1. anarchists scared my children on bank holiday monday
2. anarchists threw missiles at ambulance men
3. anarchists danced on my roof and damaged my cafe signs
4. anarchists squatted my house and shat in every room

look out for further episodes in the next week



11.05.2009 09:37

Quite very obviously. There also seems to be someone attached to that rag lurking here and posting "insider criticism" against Smash EDO in a rather obvious pathetic way.

The Argus is obviously just another little parochial shitrag in the pocket of local business and politicians.

When the Lavvy Breaks


11.05.2009 11:23

You would have to do structural damage to a building to cause £20,000 worth of damage. A lot of rubbish and a broken bannister does not amount to that. Pools of dried blood? Someone would need to bleed very heavily to make a single pool of blood let alone plural and an ambulance would have to be called. Disgruntled property developer bullshits local newspaper more than happy to put bullshit into print.
As for Poloo you are just plain ignorant.
Why bother even posting this bollocks?
Mainstream media says nasty thing about people living alternative lifestyles! Where would we stop?


and another thing...

11.05.2009 13:42

someone should point out to the Argus that 'faeces' is a singular noun. Ignorami!



11.05.2009 14:05

is this the same steve bassam notorious labour toadie and careerist politico hack? wots he doing slumming it on indymedia when he could be fiddling his house of lords expenses?

billy bob


11.05.2009 18:44

Damn, and I had been doing so well at avoiding being an annoying grammar pedant: faeces is more accurately a 'defective noun'

Though we could invent the new class of 'defactive noun'?

When the Lavvy Breaks

worst in the country

11.05.2009 19:40

The Argus is one of the biggest piles of turd in Britain. Every bloody headline is "Outrage" over something or another. Not having to see their sh*tty headlines pasted outside every newsagent every single day fills me with a feeling of joy for having left the place.


Ex-squatter sellout

11.05.2009 19:45

That's LORD Bassam to the likes of you, billy boy! Believe it or not, his lordship is an ex-squatter. "Squatters' leader Steve Bassam" as I think the Evening Anus called him at the time (30+ years ago). See, he was after being a big shit "leader" even then.

The encouraging thing is I don't see too many careerists progressing from today's squatteriat to the
house of lords. Could be something to do with not being wankers playing at being ever so wadical to shock their middle-class parents.

This whole story smacks of the campaign of media lies against squatters which was waged in the mid-70s. Every one of those stories was investigated and shown to be complete bollocks. Be good if some Brighton folk did a bit of digging on this one, tried to contact the squatters involved, and let the rest of us (not to mention Schnews) know the real facts.

It doesn't cost £2,000 to evict squatters. About £250 is nearer the mark. The rest is down to solicitors on the make.



12.05.2009 00:19

Faeces is a plural noun, the singular being "newspaper article". Hence, there are faeces on every page of our newspaper.

The dried blood has been found, on close inspection, to come from the sacrifice of babies and puppies which regularly happens in anarchist squats. Hence the large pools in every room.

It is not necessary to do structural damage to incur 20,000 costs. It is simply necessary to have a brother in the insurance company which estimates the damage.

Now, please tell us: if squatters are allowed to go around taking over empty buildings, how are MPs to get away with claiming expenses for supposedly living in those same buildings? You are trying to bring down democracy!

Yours sincerely,
The Brighton Argus

Brighton Argus

don't confuse reality for politics

12.05.2009 08:04

I think the Argus is a load of old cobblers, but a lot of the squatters in brighton live in absolute shit and all the "shock! horror! They must be making it up" is naive in the extreme.

Let's face it, in Brighton, many of the squats are fucking disgusting shitholes, and many of the people squatting are fucking scum bags, who take advantage of soft-as-shite lefty types and the mentality of activism to get a free ride, invading people's space, battering people, selling smack, crack and K, ripping people off, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Activists and anarchists in brighton get your fucking shit together and let's put these scumfucks into retreat, how the fuck can you justify droning on about 'community' this, that and the other, when it is just a fucking load of wankers who drink/drug from morning to when they pass out pissing themselves. Wake the fuck up.

It is time to stop pretending that the UK squat scene in general isn't in the fucking gutter, drowning in rat piss, high strength lager/cider and ketamine. This scene in the Argus is regular as fuck, and it is no wonder that regualr people are pissed off about it. I'm sick of all the fucking shitbags in brighton, they need proper stabbing up and leaving for dead.

OG brighton squatter


12.05.2009 17:28

the above poster has it right. most of the 'sorted' squatters have stopped squatting in Brighton partly due to the brewcrew/k-head elements who prey on the anarchist 'scene', sucking the energy of those who actually want to do stuff in squats or convergence centres. The anarchist left squat and brewcrew/k-head scene have come closer in recent years as a result.

i think this is due to the current weakness of the anarchist movement in UK in general, which has historic reasons, as well as being caused by more recent police repression against squatters in brighton and the property situation with many empty properties but few neglected for long periods - this will probably change, however, even in a property hotspot like Brighton as repossessions continue to rise and more properties are left empty for longer. The rise of companies like Camelot who 'protect by occupation' has also created fewer opportunities for squatters.

another brighotn squatter

It's not a scare if it's accurate

12.05.2009 17:29

"if you hadnt noticed the argus editors are on one of their regular 'anachist scare' missions at the moment. [...] the week before last we had..."

"1. anarchists to bus in more anarchists for mass anarchist demo"

Which was true.

"2. anarchists publish map of places place to smash up and violently attack pedestrians"

Errr. The map was published on here. And Indymedia's been full of pictures from people boasting how they... erm... vandalised McDonald's and HSBC, both featured on the map. The Argus didn't say anything about pedestrians being attacked in that article. So the article turned out to be true

"3 anarchists to invade city and cause chaos"

Which depends on your definition of chaos. But they warned of clashes with police, streets being closed off and so on - and that's precisely what happened.


Out of touch

12.05.2009 18:19

I can't say much about Brighton in particular, but this is certainly NOT TRUE.

"It is time to stop pretending that the UK squat scene in general isn't in the fucking gutter, drowning in rat piss, high strength lager/cider and ketamine."

It was only ever the case if you had a very narrow, ghettoised and unaware view of the squat scene. Nowadays, those insignificant rat-piss ketamine fringes are much smaller and even less significant than they used to be. So the huge numbers of Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian people squatting in London over the last 7 or 8 years aren't part of "the squat scene", I suppose? Three years ago there was 40 or more of them for every K-head and you could be forgiven (though it would be an over-generalisation) for characterising that scene as focused on jobs and babies. No cider but amazing energy and improvisation to make derries into homes. Main problem = everyone at work so nobody to hold the house against council or thugs during the day. OK, the main "jobs & babies" scene may have now moved back to Poland or the Baltic states, but those still here include loads of well sorted, practical and up-for-it squatters and nice people who don't look like they're going anywhere and are making a great contribution.

You should look at the whole scene (including cities like Bristol), not one smelly little corner. If that's what you perceive the scene in Brighton to be, that's a shame, but there's a much bigger world of squatting and a lot going on at the moment.


for the old bastard and any others still in doubt

13.05.2009 15:34

Bristol is also mostly a crusty fashion show and ketamine is a bigger problem than it ever has been in the UK, having crossed-over into mainstream drug circles, if you don't know that, you are certainly out of touch with the reality of young people now, not just with this narrow anarcho-ghetto scene you assume I'm part of (which i am not). Yeah it isn't all bad, and there are some good people around, but just look at the recent squatters conference in bristol- total crap. One half of the people there fucked all day and night, the other half seem to be self-promoting activists who want to paper over the cracks and ignore the fact that what they are doing is pointless SHIT.

'Negotiating' with the landlord, allowing his security on site, there was no resistance at all, leaving when the landlord asked, the whole media game played with 'spokespeople' speaking to the mainstream press(!), it was not even part of the perspective to question this for most of the people there. The comrades in Europe are laughing at the bullshit that is occurring in the UK, and with good reason, it is a pathetic joke, an illusion.

Even the cops know that these bristol squatters are nothing to worry about, why? because FUCK ALL is happening there with them, that's why, other than the same old routine. That's why they didn't give a fuck about that conference or the plethora of other miscreant centres which have about as much teeth as a rotten old sow.

As for economic migrants who only squat because they don't want to rent, yes very nice to idealise these salt-of-the-earth 'proper workers' foreign people, but it also means absolutely fuck all if they do not take part in the struggle, which most of them do not. So no, I don't see them in terms of 'our scene', even fascists can fucking squat, it means NOTHING to just squat and live your miserable existence living hand-to-mouth. Is it successful that lots of people are squatting? Not in my opinion, it is simply a condition of capitalism that should be destroyed along with everything else.

Unless these free spaces become real points of communication and rebellion there is nothing to see, other than bad food & drink out of a fucking bin, poor hygiene, rubbish everywhere and 'kids spaces' that I'd never take my kids to.

Sorry, you can try to make shit into gold but I'm certainly not going to, having had enough of this bullshit, and you making it out that I'm just 'not informed enough' or some shit takes the biscuit.

Fuck off and live in your fantasy land. I bet you live in a fucking housing co-op or are renting.

OG Brighton Squatter

the point of squatting

14.05.2009 15:48

Despite OG's uncalled for vitriol almost all the immigrants who and others who squat mainly in London do so for selfish reasons, ie. to build up their own little nest egg, and are indeed not part of the struggle. What will they use this money for - to buy houses here or in their own company's for their children to perpetuate the system we live under. This is in no way radical as it creates a two tier economy for those who have/haven't worked in the West as we have now in Latin America.

Sadly many UK activist squatters I know have left for the 'scene' in Europe or further afield whilst European activists generally come over here to work and save up money rather than participate in radical activities. The fact that they are such an integral part of the UK anarchist scene merely says a lot for the state of homegrown activism. How many young 'activists' have bemoaned the state of activism here before heading off to Germany, Spain or Italy in search of 'real activism' instead of trying to sort things out here.

It is however unclear what the state's role is in this dynamic, re. the use of informers and undercover agents to keep the scene weak. This was exposed by the SHAC informer and also the agent provocateurs at G20 but this could just be the tip of the iceberg. That isn't to say we must be paranoid, which is what the system wants and ultimately self-defeating. There are already too many paranoid types in the scene and the difference between careful and paranoid is huge.

political squatter

OG's account...

15.05.2009 10:22

.. of the recent squatters' conference:
'One half of the people there fucked all day and night'
Did they now? when's the next one?
Arf arf!



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