February 7th, 2009 by Jonathan
“Ok, if there is anything I hate more than prophecy, its self fulfilling prophecy.” -Bill Maher
Is it fair to say, “Told u so?” At least in this context
So TIME Magazine released this article on the New World Order called, The New World Order. Now everything in the article is essentially aligned with EVERYTHING we have been pointing out, we as in the “truth and patriot movements,” and for some reason everyone is just now catching on to this. Now what the Morgan interests and Rockefeller interests did the to United States in the early 20th century (1913) to create the Federal Reserve by crashing the economy by a self controlled and self generated conspiracy to bring about a central bank they controlled, well, that’s what the same interests (evolved to today’s centralized system) are doing to the Global economy. Not that hard to figure out, but EXTREMELY hard to get people to understand as CONSPIRACY and long time “plan.”
Here is the TIME article:

Like it or not, it IS exactly in line with what most of the researchers have been saying is apart of the goal and has been forever. The quest for global government has been achieved through major events and “Wars” like the “war on drugs,” the “war on terror,” the global “financial meltdown,” nuclear proliferation, “global warming,” world hunger and starvation, global disease and pandemics and many more. These all benefit the New World Order system because the NWO will be the “solution” to the crisis we face on our planet.
I just hope that if they are going to go for it, we have a complete reset on our debt. I mean, come on. You know you want it. According to WhatReallyHappened.com, a Jubilee is an ancient Hebrew tradition in which every fifty years society is “reset.” Debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, property restored to those it was taken from. It’s even in the Prayer, “Forgive us our debts…” Rome adopted this tradition, as long experience had shown them that the practice of lending money at interest inherently destabilized society. Rome instituted numerous limits and occasional outright bans on the practice of usury out of fear that souring debt would drive their people to rebellion. When Christianity became Rome’s official religion, many Hebrew practices were abandoned, including the Jubilee. Without that occasional push of the reset button, Rome’s debts piled up until Rome fell.
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