By Jose Carlos Turella at 02:43 Borges 06/01/2009
Contamination by leakage from storage tanks of gasoline, diesel and kerosene contaminating the environment, and underground water table and deep water
The storage tanks of fuel in Brazil and the environment.
In Brazil there are nearly 33 thousand gas in the country around, until the decade of 2002, these tanks were of carbon steel and meet the standards of engineering technology to the U.S. government passed by the Brazilian oil industry with U.S. recovery compensation and charged directly in the price of petrol and diesel price of membership "since 1954 through standards STANDARTS 30 and 30A.
Each tank installed in this country is a chemical that contaminates the cava environment "water table and deep water," as you see, the casting of such fuels for the environment and to drinking water is really harmful, because a liter of gasoline or diesel contaminate 10000000 liters of drinking water.
If we account for only a superficial analysis that there are on average 4 to 5 tanks have called for a universe that will concern ourselves with too much into the situation and the drinking water.
The oil industry usually installs tank of 10,000 liters, 15,000 liters or 30,000 liters bi compartmental.
Until the mid 2005 to 2008 the oil industry was giving the owner of the tanks made through resellers contract lending the use of tanks, now to escape the responsibility, through the mutual agreement and / or use of trade mark and or franchise, require the owner of the post to escape the crime of environmental laws and environmental responsibility for the tanks and its preventive and corrective maintenance.
To discover whether there is enough contamination and determine the leak site and through hydrogeological investigation, installation of wells pisométricos profiles on the site and a radius of 3 km of this site know if there was leakage and contamination of subsoil and the water table.
If monitoring is necessary geological site, and the wells installed to view and determine the plume of contamination.
It should be noted that the products sold at a retailer of fuel, gasoline, diesel and lubricating oil and kerosene to the times, is highly carcinogenic "the line BTX, benzene, xylene and toluene, aromatics and polymers. As it is fluid, in case of contamination occurs only the remediation and not the total decontamination.
And just to mention, it is necessary to take care with the bases primary, secondary, rail and sea terminals and aviation, as cases like the Moóca "Esso Brasileira de Petróleo" closed since the beginning of 2000 to me that this date is closed by environmental contamination and should be remedied with 24 hours a day, as the degree of contamination at that site earlier, if the Villa Carioca, base of Shell, among others throughout the national territory.
Questions the application of art.225 of the Federal Constitution and the Law of Crimes environmental and even in case of TAC made with the prosecutor and state or Federal decontamination and remediation, who and how to investigate and to confirm that the work have been or are being made.
The Brazilian experience must be brought to international, to all the countries of Oceania, Asia, Europe, Central America and South America and even Mexico, the United States and Canada and also in the African continent and mainly in oil-producing Arab countries.
We must also warn the following: exams are held in the potability of drinking water marketed as BTX line? It labels for marketing such tests? What are we drinking in this generation and future?
We have to map out in our small planet where are the refineries and all items that might compromise the environment, the water table and deep waters.
As there is the environmental liabilities, since the oil industry alone agent is contaminated, we have to celebrate and enhance the discussion to improve technology to minimize the liability occupational, environmental liabilities and the balance in use with burning of carbon, its storage and industrialization, so rational, because what you want, it is that above all and all, and financial and economic interests first come the humanitarian issue of health, preservation of the species present and future.
Dr. Jose Carlos Borges Turella
OAB / SP 91508
advice and legal advice