Q. What is a benefits claimant?
a) a soapdodging scrounger
b) somebody that has made sick by hyper-capitalism and requires compensation from wealthier sections of society is redistributed in their direction
In recent days the BBC has detailed various earth-shattering changes to the benefits system without so much as a murmur from the activist community represented by UK Indymedia. Following last years Freud review prepared by investment banker David Freud, Work Csar James Purnell will present a white paper based on the recommendations of the Gregg review.
Whilst much that is spouted on welfare reform is either bluster, as a means to satiate the lust among the chattering classes for an end to "handouts", or scare tactics to provoke claimants to work there is a concerted march by both parties to dismantle the welfare state.
The assumptions behind the proposals sound something like this.
"It is bad for society as a whole that people receive state benefits (unless they are bankers)- both for taxpayers and for the recipients themselves. The unemployed are unable to "realize their potential" because they either lack confidence, motivation or are plain lazy. The evidence for this is that people from other countries, for example Poland have been able to find employment in the UK. By going to work and by work we mean any type of work available these sick people will get better. They will progress up the social ladder and society will be improved.
The approach must be a "tough love" approach. For people to have choices they must be forced into a hole. (See Greggs diagram of the Personal Conditionality Regime.)
According to Purnell; "If there's work there for people, we believe they should do it and people should not be able to turn down a reasonable offer of a job."
So despite criticisms of the McJob society and its impact on peoples vitality, despite the collapsing formal economy, despite all the hard work and effort undertaken by the unemployed in activities other than paid work, despite the fact that we have been committed as taxpayers for decades to come to pay for the deliberate crimes and unfortunate failures of the bankers and their cohorts the benefits claimant is to be squeezed by the state in the name of his or her improvement.
And while all this is going on what to we do? Well, we "participate" in the Greek revolution or we wave placquards outside the bank complaining about particular investments that we don´t like- ones that we as consumers "feel" bad about.
Fucking get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hide the following 15 comments
10.12.2008 13:00
Claimants 'must do more'
10.12.2008 13:14
If nothing else this shows what neo-Labour really thinks of claimants.
He talked of helping people.
WE all know what that means, harassing people off benefits, arbitarily stopping beneifits for no good reason, sending people on scam training courses run by the likes of CDG, A4E, Working Links.
Even the interviewer said Maggie Thatcher would not have dared go this far, and if she had, Labour would have taken to the streets.
Also see
A suggestion
10.12.2008 13:25
10.12.2008 14:20
Francis Giles
e-mail: francis@fgiles.orangehome.co.uk
benefit claimants can do society good
10.12.2008 15:02
The government plans stink - i`ll fight them all the way!
You dont punish eeryone because of some,+ you try living on 50 week
10.12.2008 15:12
single person allowance
10.12.2008 16:08
Out of this has to come food and fuel and eveything else.
Food and fuel have risen much faster than inflation.
Heating one room in a house, the rest are left unheated, currently running at £15 every few days. Then food. Money runs out before end of two weeks.
Then there are other bills to pay ...
Repair of shoes £30!
Try living on the Big Issue money then!
10.12.2008 18:14
Big Issue seller
Carving up the welfare state
10.12.2008 18:16
woah! hang on!
10.12.2008 18:47
and the measures...if they get any approval will not be put into
action untill 2011 at least
same as the 'fags being off the shelves' story
the queens speech allow those measures to be announced
but its not set in stone
so woah there cowboys!
another thing...
the idea of making people work for benefits
gives me an idea
i wonder if they will give anyone of us doleys
a job helping to protect data ???
i also wonder which color bib i will be given
look busy
silly billy
The Corporations are bleeding you tax payers not the unemployed
10.12.2008 19:38
You tax payers who begrudge this pittance when you do nothing about the war criminals who are pushing the neo-liberal agenda that ensures the top 1% now control 90% of the planets wealth and freely spend tax payers money murdering innocents in the interests of oil corporations in illegal foreign wars.
It is your 'revolutionary duty' to refuse any work that supports in any way the consumer economy based on the myth of exponential growth from finite resources - refusing to work means that this government of gangsters can't spend that money on weapons. Withdrawing labour has long been a way of bringing about social change.
The global economy, run by corporations dictate what jobs exist, so there are plenty of jobs making weapons, or in call centres that produce absolutely nothing of use. Our economy depends on illegal resource wars costing huge amounts to the tax payer. Bankers are bailed out by tax payers and hardly a squeak of protest is heard.
The global corporations are responsible for this and it is they who should be paying for the damage they are doing to the planet and communities around the world.
You notice that profits are taken by these corporations who then avoid tax and have a tax system that is set up to favour corporations at the tax payers expense.
THe reality is that it is the corporations who are the ones who are ripping you off and not some unemployed person who has to work in the cash in hand economy simply to feed their family.
Smash the neo-liberal state, refuse to work for these murdering war criminals.
Action for Enjoyment
Cesspool of global capitalistic suppression
10.12.2008 20:34
glad to see people discussing this
11.12.2008 11:47
But obviously, the problem is that I'm just not willing to work, right. I won't just take any demaining mcjob the bosses fling my way. We need to organise to fight this attatck on welfare. I've linked to an article below that might give people some ideas.
Dole autonomy versus the re-imposition of work: analysis of the current tendency to workfare in the UK
12.12.2008 00:17
rip us to shreds
19.12.2008 22:06
I'm not in the slightest bit bothered about some family living together to increase their benefits cause they can't live on the pittance they are expected to, and every time I see that f****ing advert I want to puke.
Lets see them holding each other to account cause if they had we wouldn't be sat here watching it all go to hell in a hand basket (fav saying of the moment) now would we?
As I was growing up I naively thought political corruption went on in other countries. Now I realise that it was going on here it was just a bit under cover but as time has passed they really don't give a monkeys to even bother hiding it any more.
It stinks and it’s always those at the bottom of the pile getting beaten with the big stick. Let’s beat the social scroungers oh and while we’re at it you know all the problems in this county are down to the youngsters…