Arthur Kemp, the former South African spook who currently runs the party's tatty merchandising arm Excalibur, is a regular speaker at the larger branches from which Nick Griffin expects great things, and next in preference seems to be Jonathan Bowden, the man who once stomped out of the party in disgust after Griffin's attack dogs at Covert suggested he was a paedophile, but who has now re-entered the party with renewed enthusiasm.
Simon Darby, the party's press officer and deputy leader, doesn't do too much public speaking because he seems to be too busy doing his nature blog and working alongside Richard Barnbrook down in London - though Barnbrook himself, despite being almost incoherent, seems an unaccountably popular branch speaker. Perhaps it's because he makes them laugh. He certainly makes us laugh.
And so it goes on. Good speakers are snaffled by larger and more active branches and the smaller, more remote or simply less worthy branches have to make do with the best they can get. Which is probably why Dartford BNP has ended up with the ghastly Lynne Mozar...
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