Fed Ex are a freight supplier for HLS. We started up loudly outside the main gates and as soon as we let rip the security gates came down. See no evil, hear no evil.
Local workers poured from their offices to look at the embarrassed faces of Fed Ex who were trying hard to keep all their workers from the truth.
Next was Novartis Frimley Business Park, Frimley/Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7SR.
We spent an hour here by the dual carriageway enlightening motorists about the horrors of HLS and Novartis' own exploitation of animals. We lost count of the honking horns and people who pulled over to take leaflets and have a proper read of the posters and signs. Novartis were no where to be seen with their paranoia and video cameras and jumpy security, but that didn't stop us with
our public support and having a good time informing everyone what Novartis do with HLS.
Next up was Syngenta, Jealott's Hill International Research Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6EY.
They test their agricultural poisons at HLS. This spot was really good for a demo and our timing was perfect as all the workers had to go past us to get into the village for lunch, hearing horrors of six week old puppies being beaten and bruised by the workers of HLS and of all the times HLS have been exposed for animal cruelty.
Our final stop was a quick pop in to Cardinal Health in
Basingstoke. This site is great for demos because you can really bounce the sounds of dual megaphones off of every single windowed side of their building. Even regulars from the pub down the road came out to see what all the noise was and were greeted with a leaflet and a bucket of information on how HLS employ drug addicts,
drunks and registered sex offenders.
We will be back on the road time and time again until ALL ties with HLS are severed.