Polite Letters, phone calls and emails can be sent to

19 College Road,
HM Naval Base,
Tel: 02392 820921
Check out the sample message we wrote below:
Dear Mr Goodship,
I read recently that a shop in the Portsmouth Historic dockyard is selling toy cats made from real rabbit fur. This both shocked and appalled me. As a local person I have visited the site, which I understand you have a fair deal of control over, on more than one occasion, but my most recent visit will be my last until I am certain the area is fur free. Fur is barbaric and unnecessary.
I have been informed that the fur comes from China, a country which is not only ridden with human rights atrocities, but also has no animal welfare laws meaning animals raised for fur are often skinned live, kept in tiny metal crates and go so mad with living such vile conditions that it is not rare for them to bite off their own limbs.
It was claimed by Nauticalia that their furs are only a byproduct of the meat industry but the simple fact is that a pelt will fetch much more money than body and so many businessmen will simply take what earns them most and abandon the rest of the carcass.
As an influential member of the Portsmouth Dockyard I am asking that you show compassion and kindness and work to adopt a fur free policy across the whole Dockyard. I will not be visiting again until you do.
Yours sincerely
[insert name here]