a Spanish anarcho-syndicalist union (i.e. a union controlled by
rank-and-file members). The CNT is demanding her reinstatement.
Barely a month later, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, Starbucks
fired barista Cole Dorsey on June 6th. Cole had over 2 years
of service and was active in the IWW Starbucks Workers Union.
The National Labour Relations Board in the US has already made the firm rehire two sacked workers in 2006, and are looking at Starbucks latest violation. This is just the latest part of Starbucks ongoing campaign of victimisation against workers who
dared to stand up and try and improve their working conditions.
Service industry jobs like Starbucks have traditionally been poorly paid, un-unionised and had a poor observance of workers rights. Starbucks is determined to try and keep things this way, and is stamping down hard on anyone who tries to change this. As more and more jobs move away from traditional industry and
into new service sectors, workers such as these are taking an important and difficult first step in defending workers rights in modern workplaces.
Both unions have called for a day of action to highlight these cases on July 5th. Please let Starbucks know you disapprove of their union-busting by joining us in asking people to buy
their coffee elsewhere. You can also call Starbucks on 0208834 5050 to tell them what you think, or email
Locally, we will be demonstrating outside the new Starbucks in St. James Street, Kemp Town. Come and join us, and help send a message to Starbucks that continued attacks on their workers won’t be ignored!
Defend Victimised Starbucks Workers!
Demonstrate - Saturday 5th July, 12 noon
Outside Starbucks, St. James’ Street, Kemp Town, Brighton
More info: