With staff theft and fraud in the retail industry resulting in an average annual loss of £497 million, Action Against Business Crime (AABC) have championed an initiative to reduce losses attributed to staff dishonesty.
(Well, you know if the pay wasn't so crap...?)
AABC has been working in association with Hicom Business Solutions, to develop a national register of staff who have been dismissed for dishonesty. The National Staff Dismissal Register (NSDR) is supported by a number of key retailers including Harrods, HMV, Mothercare & Selfridges and by Reed Managed Services; one of the UK's leading providers of outsourced staff. The register has been developed to hold details of individuals who have been dismissed or have left employment whilst under investigation for acts of dishonesty toward the company including theft of money or merchandise, falsification or forgery of documents and causing damage to company property. This information is shared with other members of the register who are able to access the national system to search for details of an applicant, ensuring both cost saving through reduction in losses, and a more efficient recruitment process.
The NSDR involves the collection and sharing of personal information and therefore falls under the regulation of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). Regular communication with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has ensured that the processes of the NSDR comply strictly with the principals laid down in the DPA which establishes the framework for the sharing of personal information.
(Yeah, but there not going to be very worried about that since the ICO has now power to prosecute- only to offer some friendly advice)
Retail provides many opportunities to dishonest employees. (So will just forget all that stuff about the potential for people to turn over a new leaf, make a new start etc- one strike and you're out). Investigation of dishonesty is time consuming and costly and will be of limited deterrence if future employers are unable to properly identify potentially dishonest staff to ensure that they are not able to obtain employment by evading internal vetting processes.
For dishonest employees who have not been convicted or cautioned for their dishonesty there is currently no central location where further checks can be made concerning an applicant’s previous employment history. The current system of employment references is too easily circumvented by dishonest applicants and can result in previously dismissed staff being employed again by another retailer without knowledge of any past conduct. (Ohhh fuck off you tight fisted cunts. Have none of you ever read a Christmas Carol?)
The NSDR provides a secure web-based portal using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which protects data access and encrypts log-in to allow members to access data as part of their staff recruitment process. The application and database are held on separate servers with firewall and Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) separating application and data for further security.
Mike Schuck, chief executive of Action Against Business Crime said, ‘We are very pleased indeed to have launched the NSDR and look to it providing an increasingly valuable service to help retailers reduce losses by dishonest staff. With the increasing sophistication of internal dishonesty, we need to ensure the industry has the most effective tools at its disposal to help reduce losses.’
For further information please contact:
Mike Schuck (Chief Executive)
Action Against Business Crime
Second Floor,
21 Dartmouth Street
London, SW1H 9BP
T: 020 7854 8956
William Price (Director)
Hicom Business Solutions
Red House
Surrey, GU24 0BL
T: 01483 794850
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quite possibly....
08.05.2008 14:03
There's a subliminal message behind it and that message is; calling everyone stuck in a mick mouse-pay, long hours, shit conditions dullard retail job; don't worry about being caught if you're on the take like any sensible person in nyour shoes would be (it being the only way to make said job worthwhile); the people mainly charged with rumbling you are amongst the dumbest people on the face of the planet!
In fact a well placed Press Release
08.05.2008 18:05
Action Against Business Crime Ltd.
Registered in England, Company Number: 05013367
Registered Offices: 2nd Floor, 21 Dartmouth Street, London, SW1H 9BP.
Telephone: 020 7854 8956/7.
carries out. This Business is described as being:
"The mission of Action Against Business Crime is to reduce acquisitive and violent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour against businesses, their premises, staff and customers. Acquisitive crime means theft, burglary, car crime and robbery. Violence means assault, threats, intimidation and abuse. Disorder and anti-social behaviour means, drunkenness, abusive and threatening behaviour, obscene language and criminal damage."
From the Employees roster, it looks a lot like a Jolly for current and former Employees of Marks and Spencers, former Casino Operators and Policemen. Not the greatest team for handling sensitive personal information. Particularly if you read the uses that the data is to be put to.
Nowhere is it mentioned that the data is to be used to determine if people are "suitable" for employment by any organisation other than the Data Controllers Organisation. That is, Action Against Business Crime Ltd. Who wants to work for them?
So, the main purpose of the business is the illicit trade in Personal information. Since the nature of the enterprise must be clandestine, it would seem that Data Subjects (that is ordinary people) should be denied the full extent of the information gathered regarding them.
As this is an information dissemination organisation that uses personal information for Advertising, there should be no problem with the biographies and contact details to be publicised widely.
Role: Chief Executive
Name: Michael Schuck
Phone: 020 7854 8956
Biography: Mike served in the Metropolitan Police for 32 years before becoming the Assistant Director for Retail Crime Policy at the British Retail Consortium and then Chief Executive of Action Against Business Crime.
Role: Business Manager
Name: Sandy Hobbs
Phone: 01323 768079
Mobile: 07950 461599
Biography: Sandy worked for Sussex Ambulance service for five years and then worked as an event organiser for Eastbourne council helping to stage national and international events in the town. She established the crime partnership in Eastbourne and developed and managed it for five years until joining AABC. She also chaired the Sussex Business Crime Group. Sandy's interest in crime reduction stems from her husband Andy who is a serving police officer.
Role: Business Manager
Name: David Suszek
Mobile: 07711 539 768
Biography: Dave Suszek spent 30 years with West Midlands Police, the last four years as business crime leader with Government Office West Midlands. He was their representative on the Home Office policing response working group and assisted ACPO with the national business crime portfolio.
Role: Business Manager
Name: Steve Booth
Mobile: 07766 333 331
Biography: Steve spent several years with Marks and Spencer within their security operation and prior to that was involved with the casino industry for 20 years. He established the Southport business crime partnership and prior to his appointment as regional manager with AABC in 2004, had been instrumental in setting up several partnerships in the North West.
Role: Administrator
Name: Samantha Bone
Phone: 020 7854 8957
Biography: Samantha has been with AABC since it was formed and is the administrator and website manager for AABC.
Role: Consultant
Name: David Leigh
Phone: 01245 325 212
Mobile: 07932 756 271
Biography: David has 32 years retailing, management and security experience with Marks & Spencer. He has been a consultant to the Home Office, British Retail Consortium and regional government offices, establishing and developing business crime partnerships nationally. He joined AABC in 2004 and is currently working on special projects.
Among the lesser known sponsors of this enterprise is
Billed as the "premier" monthly magazine for UK security and CCTV managers and installers, and anyone interested in the private security industry. Such as the Public, presumably. For further information, please call 01922 415233.
AABC has to charge for its services in order to ensure that it generates income.Each partnership costs nearly £9,000 to establish (full cost of time and resources). From the 1st January, 2008, they £400 for membership. This includes acces to the Intranet
BCRP Intranet
Address: 82, Old Shoreham Road
Town/City: Hove
County: East Sussex
Post Code: BN3 6HL
Phone: 01273 380042
Fax: 01273 380043
Contact: Charlie Newman, Director
BCRP Internet, from Littoralis Ltd, is a secure, web-based intranet designed to enable BCRPs to simplify and streamline the exchange of data with members to high levels of auditable data integrity and security, and to improve member participation and communication.
Being all that secure - they still have no ICO registration under that name. In that respect they have no intention of processing personal data. otherwise they would be breaking the law.
BCRP Intranet reduces the burden of preparing photo and information albums by making this data available via auditable access procedures. Members can view information over their own internet connections - either at work or at home - print photo galleries and read police alerts, news from the partnership manager and much else. The system includes an automated eNewsletter which alerts members to updated information on the intranet every week.
The savings in time and cost are considerable and the system is currently in use under an information sharing agreement with Sussex Police. BCRP Intranets include webpages which can be used as a partnership's public website, and are hosted on Littoralis’ powerful, secure servers.
A Data Protection Minefield as it is not declared on the ICO website as having any kind of DPA Registrar. Or perhaps it is so secure that the data is absolutely safe.
Cheerleaders for business