Anyway the two arrested spies (part of an alleged group of 6) were asked to attend as they were hay 'bailed' and did so only to be told that the CPS were not ready to decide what they wanted to do 'charge them' or 'drop the case'.
However this appearance of the 'Altermattersinspyring' was not a blow to the well travelled transformers of dangerous places, who took it in their stride and formed another ring for changes ahead and new and old connections were made in a cafe of historic peace connections in Cheap Street.
A policeman who kindly asked that they return to the police station on 9th May were informed that this would not be happening, he was then asked if he could find another appointment at the spies copnvenience (no poison was used (of course) and this request seemed to work well and all were pleased at another invitation). The initial proposed date clashed with a well planned walk across the UK to spread the 'wink like wildflowers'.
We all ought to promote the casual unknowing friendly wink to strangers and friend alike (for wholeness's sake).
Peace cranes and artistic pictures of fantasy fuzzles were drawn and whilst there was lightness and humour the main point of it was that the spies see how its going to be, more than they do see how it is. 'intentional conspired lightness, humour and play bring about more than painful complaining seriousness ever does' - (LHM), well we'll see.
The morning was ended with a vegge breakfast and birthday song.
Read Imagine's reflection of the easter spying venture.
love ya, wink wink,
LHM and the others
nb: Altermattersinspyring promote the idea of neither saluting or insulting the flag as its not our flag, our monarch or government, and are about being willing to be proactive rather than reactive and use the tools of surprise and humour, invitations and gifts, kindness to self and others. There are simply no weapons in use.
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