Around the UK at dawn this morning, protesters have again blockaded UK Border Agency depots to prevent vans leaving to snatch families from their beds. Annie Davis one of the protesters from No Borders said, "The snatching of children from their beds and imprisonment is one of the most repulsive elements of the UK immigration system. It is unacceptable for this to happen to children, it is unacceptable for this to happen to anyone."
Mr Paul Johnson also from the UK No Borders Network [2] said, "Following on from the successful day of action on UN International Migrant's Day on 18th December last year, we want to maintain the pressure on the frontline agencies of so-called 'Managed Migration'." [3]
Today's actions highlight two main issues:
1. The Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) has changed its name to the UK Border Agency. [4] and carries out the government’s policy of forced removals. From innocuous looking buildings all around the country, blacked out vans regularly go out, snatching unsuspecting families before their children can leave for school. Once taken to immigration prisons, adults and children can be detained for indefinite periods with very limited legal and health services and high levels of illness, depression and self harm. They are faced with being returned to countries where they will be in danger of abuse and even death. Paul Johnson added, "This organisation can change its name [5] but it can't hide from those opposed to the government's racist immigration policies."
2. The UK No Borders network are also taking this action is in support of the detained mothers currently on hunger strike at the Yarl's Wood immigration detention centre in Bedford. Seven women in the 'family unit' there, including two breast-feeding mothers, are currently on hunger strike against Serco’s [6] brutal regime and the forced removal of a Burundian woman and her baby on 17th April 08. A petition from the women explained, “They treat us like animals. We are claiming asylum, we're not animals. They treat us as if we've done something terrible." [7]
The Independent Asylum Commission condemns the imprisonment of children as "wholly unjustified” [8] and a Save the Children report [9] says that the mental and physical health of children is being put at risk. "The Government argues it is necessary to detain children in order to maintain the integrity of UK immigration control. (But) our research shows very clearly that many children are detained for the purpose of administrative convenience or at a stage when all of the family's circumstances have not been fully considered." [10] Many parents complain that their children are constantly ill and have little medical care. [11]
Annie Davis said, "We felt no pride on St George's Day when we know the cruel and inhumane treatment that the UK government policies result in. Contrary to the Little Englander agenda currently being promoted in the media, Britain is not being "swamped by hordes of lawless foreigners stealing our jobs, housing and our women (sic)". Even the police have been forced to acknowledge this." [12]
Notes to editors:
[1] This is part of an on-going UK wide campaign against UK immigration practice and policies by the No Borders network and other groups. See:

[2] No Borders UK is a grassroots, non-hierarchical organisation that demands the freedom of movement for all under the slogan “No Borders, No Nations, Stop Deportations”.
[3] Not included here..
[4] This is the agency responsible responsible for securing the United Kingdom borders and controlling migration in the United Kingdom. It is also the organisation responsible for forcibly removing cancer victim and mothers of 2 children Ama Sumani from her hospital bed in Cardiff in January this year and forcing her to return to a country [Ghana] where she couldn't afford treatment & died 9 weeks later.
[5] This is the second change of name within a year - previously known as the Immigration and Nationality Directorate.
[6] Serco is one of the multinational companies, members of the prison industrial complex along with Kalyx, Group 4 Security, GSL & GEO, that run 70% of the For Profit system that is the UK Detention Estate.

[7] See:

[8] See [7]
[9] Research commissioned by Save the Children UK and culminating in a major policy report entitled No Place for a Child: Children in Immigration in the UK – Impacts, Alternatives and Safeguards
[10] Quoting Dr Heaven Crawley, author of the research. See:

[11] See:

[12] In a recent report from 2 chief police officers exploded the myth that Eastern European migrants are causing a massive drain on local policing resources and causing an increase in crime.See:

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