Four anti-arms trade protesters are currently blocking entrance to Brighton arms manufacturer EDO MBM's second site in Fishersgate, near Brighton. A group of Students scaled the surrounds in Mill Road in the early hours of this morning. This action is one in a series of actions against EDO MBM, which produces bomb components used in the bombing of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan. All four demonstrators have used super-glue to secure themselves to the doors, and gates.
Notes for Journalists
EDO MBM Technologies Ltd are the sole UK subsidiary of huge U.S arms conglomerate EDO Corp, which was recently named No. 10 in the Forbes list of 100 fastest growing companies. They supply bomb release mechanisms to the US and UK armed forces amongst others. They supply crucial components for Raytheon's Paveway guided bomb system, widely used in the "Shock and Awe" campaign in Iraq .
Campaign against EDO MBM
People involved in the anti-EDO campaign include, but are not limited to: local residents, the Brighton Quakers, peace activists, anti-capitalists, Palestine Solidarity groups, human rights groups, trade unionists, academics and students. The campaign started in August 2004 with a peace camp. It's avowed aim is to expose EDO MBM and their complicity in war crimes and to remove them from Brighton.
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