Meeting at Fareham Train Station at 10.30 AM and then walking through to Fareham Staples for a demo lasting as long as we have the leaflets for.
Quite a quiet demo as most Staples workers still have no idea what horrors their company is involved with.
Staples were caught out sending unmarked vans into HLS several times in the last few months (unlucky for them, the workers were still in their bright Staples uniforms).
For those not in the know, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is the largest animal testing lab in Europe, being exposed six separate times for extreme animal cruelty. They torture over 500 animals a day to a death. Reports suggest that HLS currently have 72,000 animals in their evil clutch and by taking down all their suppliers (even one store at a time) we send them a message straight to the heart. If HLS have no suppliers - it cannot be business as usual for them.
Help us close down this hell hole for good!
This demo will be small but ESSENTIAL. Please attend if you can.
February SHAC Articles
Staples demo, Leeds (10th Feb)

SHAC Trial (8th Feb)

New HLS Supplier caught out: Staples (7th Feb)

Singh Skips Terminates HLS Contract (2nd Feb)

SHAC World Day For Lab Animals - 26th April, Sussex (1st Feb)