A spokeperson for Companies House confirmed the lateness of the EDO MBM 2006 filing and said they would impose an automatic £100 penalty.
The longer EDO MBM delay filing the accounts the greater the penalty becomes, reaching £1000 if the delay exceeds one year.
Companies House confirmed that this was the first time in the history of the Brighton arms company that they have failed to file accounts by the deadline of October 31st.
Analysts believe the company are embarrassed by the results which cover the period of the High Court injunction failure and the resulting payout of huge legal costs.
In October this year EDO MBM's UK Holding company EDO (UK) Ltd who boast former MoD Chief of Procurement, Sir Robert Walmsley as Chairman filed accounts showing a 70% profit drop on the previous year.
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oh deary
20.11.2007 17:27
Report this crime
21.11.2007 01:11
by email
2006 is the wrong law
21.11.2007 02:16
The prosecution should be under the Companies Act 1985 section 241 etc.
Its basically the same text as the 2006 Actbut if you are reporting this to the cops it might help to give them the right law.
Every year thousands of company directors are prosecuted for this offence and about half are convicted and fined.
It would be good to see that happen to the EDO directors but I suspect they will give in and file the accounts before it gets to that point.
Ha Ha
22.11.2007 14:17
Shock Horror- Sussex Police refuse to investigate
22.11.2007 23:36
Thank you for your email.
I have confirmed with the Duty Sergeant at Brighton Police Station that offences
under the Companies Act 2006 are dealt with by the Audit Department at Companies
house. From your email it suggests they are already aware of this company.
Sussex Police will not be investigating this company unless requested to do so by
Companies House. Should you have further concerns you should contact them on 0870
Regards, Sarah King 64479
Sussex Police Contact Centre
link to Companies House EDO MBM page
26.11.2007 11:52
To check if EDO MBM are still overdue with their accounts