outside the Labour Party Conference, on Sunday 23 September.
PIER and "THE SQUARE" (see

Lower Gardens).
Over 100 peace activists from around the UK have pledged to take part in
nonviolent civil disobedience outside this year's Labour Party Conference in
Bournemouth (see

On Sunday 23 September 2007 – the opening day of Brown’s first Party
Conference as Labour leader – these pledgers will join Maya Evans and John
Catt for a two-part action outside the Conference organised by JNV, the
London Catholic Worker and Voices UK:
* first, a photo call inside the anti-protest zone around the Conference
centre, wearing specially-made anti-war t-shirts modelled on the U-Turn for
Peace "road sign" above (probably a non-arrestable action).
* second, for those willing to risk arrest, a sit-down protest in the road
leading to the Conference Centre.
They will be there demanding that Gordon Brown turn his foreign policy
around, away from war and towards peace: ending British complicity with
torture, stopping Trident renewal, withdrawing troops from Iraq and
Afghanistan, and ending arms sales to repressive regimes. Will you?
For further information see below or visit: www.U-TurnForPeace.org
U-Turn For Peace
tel. 0845 458 9571