For immediate release
Wednesday 21st of February 2007, 4pm.
Funeral Procession to commemorate the victims of the United State’s bombing of Somalia.
Protestors will be marching from the bottom of Home Farm Road, Mouslecoomb, Brighton to the EDO-MBM arms factory to protest against the civilians killed by US airstrikes in Somalia in January. Protesters will be wearing black and carrying coffins to represent those killed.
Sarah Johnson, Smash Edo Spokesperson, said “These attacks against a defenseless country have taken hundreds of innocent lives. The world reacted in horror and disgust to the bombing of Lebanon, but the extent of the carnage in Somalia has been hidden from people here. Essential components of the weapons and planes used in these attacks are made by EDO. We want to make it clear that we will not remain silent whilst EDO’s bombs are killing civilians anywhere in the world.”
Pictures availible on Request
Contact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more Details
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Notes for Journalists
Details of the US bombing of Somalia
Villages in the South Coast of Somalia were targeted by
US planes and helicopter gunships last month. At least
200 people were killed when the USA targeted coastal villages for attack.
The first airstrikes took place on 8th and 9th of January
2007 in a forest near the town of Afmadow . An AC-130 gunship
is believed bombed the area for about 30 to 45 minutes. On
January 10 2007 , additional strikes were carried out in
areas near the coastal village of Ras Kamboni , and the
villages of Hayo and Badmano were also attacked by US
planes and helicopters. In Banka Jiira, at least 70
shepherds were killed in a single US attack.
Southern Somalia was bombed again on January 24th. USA
officials claimed that the attacks were aimed at Al Qaida
terrorists, although they later admitted that they had not
killed a single suspect.
Brighton & Hove is a UN Peace Messenger City
EDO MBM Technologies Ltd are the sole subsidiary of
huge U.S arms conglomerate EDO Corp. They supply
crucial components for Raytheon's Paveway guided bomb
system, widely used in the "Shock and Awe" campaign in
Campaign against EDO MBM.
EDO MBM makes electrical weapons components for the
Israeli military. EDO MBM manufactures components to
be incorporated into the Hellfire missile, which the
Israeli army has recently used to attack the civilian
population of Gaza . They have organised conferences
on the development of UCAVs, unmanned aircraft which
are widely used in aerial attacks on Gaza . EDO
Corporation, of which EDO MBM Brighton is a wholly
owned trading unit, has a direct contract with the
Israeli Navy who murdered 10 civilians on a beach near
Beit Lahiya, Gaza during one attack in 2006.
People involved in the anti-EDO campaign include, but
are not limited to: local residents, the Brighton
Quakers, peace activists, anti-capitalists, Palestine
Solidarity groups, human rights groups, trade unionists,
academics and students.
The campaign started in August 2004 with a peace camp.
It's avowed aim is to expose EDO MBM and their
complicity in war crimes and to remove them from
Contact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more Details
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