Throughout the case Mr Lawson-Cruttenden had unprecedented access to confidential material held on campaigners by Sussex Police. The complaints to the law society cover the manner in which he obtained this disclosure. Separate complaints are underway against Sussex Police for the biased political policing surrounding protest at the factory (see previous press release).
The complaints also cover the appropriation by Mr Lawson-Cruttenden of a personal diary belonging to a defendant in the high court proceedings. Chris Osmond, owner of the diary said ‘shortly before the high court case collapsed it was revealed that EDO’s lawyer was in possession of my diary, and may have intended to use it to his benefit in court, it is deeply worrying to think that an officer of the court would go to these lengths to stifle peaceful protest’.
Sarah Johnson, press spokeswoman for Smash EDO, said ‘throughout EDO MBM’s attempt to stifle freedom of expression in Brighton Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden abused his position as a solicitor and an officer of the court by entering into intrusive investigations into campaigners’ personal data. He was assisted in this by Sussex Police who had an unhealthy relationship with EDO MBM and an interest in ending the protests’.
If the complaints are upheld Mr Lawson-Cruttenden could be struck off the list, losing his right to practice as a solicitor.
Mr Lawson-Cruttenden is the main architect of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The law was originally brought in to protect people from stalkers. He has pioneered the use of the act by corporations to restrict protest on the basis that corporations are being stalked by campaigners. Mr Lawson-Cruttenden has represented over 20 corporations, including Huntingdon Life Sciences, against animal rights activists.
Andrew Beckett, spokesman for Smash EDO, said ‘the use of the act by corporations to restrict protest is contrary to articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act, its use in this way forms part of the current attack on freedom to protest in the UK’ .
Smash EDO demonstrate every Wednesday at EDO, 4-6pm, on Home Farm Road, Brighton
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with you all the way
14.01.2007 18:33
joy hope
A little bit of TLC?
14.01.2007 20:54
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