He is Richard James Trower of Dovedale Crescent, Southgate, and was proposed by one J Wright.
The poll on December 7 is for a seat on Tory-dominated Horsham District Council, following the resignation of a Lib Dem councillor in the central Denne ward.
Views on the BNP can be sent to the local paper via www.horshamtoday.co.uk or at ctletters@sussexnewspapers.co.uk
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The fascist BNP
22.11.2006 10:18
BE WARNED - The following post contains some of the vilest racist and homophobic language you may ever have encountered.
On elections: “There is a good reason to stand in elections, think about it. If there are only a few thousand or even a few hundred votes for the WN organisation, then the scum know how much we don't want them here. How else do we get a voice that cannot be denied?”
On Jews: “Jews are the most butt ugly things on planet earth. Not since Thalidamide was given to pregnant women was there ever an uglier spectical than a kike, male or female, kikes are ugly fucking scum.”
On the Holocaust: “The Hollohoax.”
On Turkish people: “The Germans don't want the fuckin Turks, and neither do we!!!”
On homosexuality: “Death to all faggots!”
On multiculturalism: “These non white's are non Brits, they speak of a multicultural society here in Great Britain this is of course bollocks. If one community (i.e. the indigenous white British community), has to hide its traditional symbols of celebration in favour of another, (i.e. the hoards of Muslim invaders and their offspring), then how can they possibly refer to it as multicultural. Multiculturism is bad enough in itself, but the selective multiculturism enforced by British ZOG is both hypocritical, and bigoted. The end game is genocide, first they destroy the very building blocks of our society, and then they turn us into aliens in our own country, sooner or later they know these policies will bring about our demise. And just like the red squirrel, we will be extinct in this country.”
On trade unions: “1979 was THE time for British nationalism, we could have had it all. The laboour/liberal alliance had made a real fuckin mess. The trade unions run everything. There were three workers for every job in industry, most of which had been nationalised. The National Front was massive at the time, then came Margaret Fuckin Thatcher. She said she would beat down the unions, she fuckin did too. I remember the greedy bastards in Scunthorpe, steel workers striking for a twenty percent wage rise, yes twenty percent!”
On repatriation: “Enforced repatriation IS on our policy list.”
On David Copeland (from ‘National Recruitment Officer Sid Williamson): “Copeland did what so many of us would love to do. Seems he had less to lose than most of us. But in his shoes, and with his bottle? I think he is a bloody hero.”
On World War 2: “Had we chose to side with "the forces of light, against the darkness in a holy war", this place wouldn't be so full of wogs. And the Kikes wouldn't be pulling any strings.”
On the EU: “The EU is a massive red machine that aims to take over nation states and turn Europe into another Soviet Union.”
On tolerance: “We are for Aryan White Power, nothing else will do. Niggers, Mongrels, Jews, Paki's, Chinks, Turks, Homosexuals, Lesbians, we hate them all, as we do to an even greater extent red bastards.”
On immigration: “The ideology of white nationalism is the same as was the original BNP. A Great Britain occupied by the indigenous white population, with the obvious shortage of labour being met by white European immigrants. Not Jews, Not Paki's, Not Nignogs, and deffinately not homosexuals.”
On European migrant labour: “If there was a choice. Keep the Paki's and Niggers, or replace them with Pole's, Germans, Italians, or any other Aryan. Would it not be preferable to do the latter?”
On the recent rape of two teenage girls (one of whom was murdered): “Painting little crack whores white is like painting the rest of us black. If those lasses were coon bait then they were already lost. The fact their coon mates killed them should serve as a warning to all young whites, not to hang with niggers. Let other white youngsters see the reality of life, warts n'all. Making up excuses for them and holding them up as poor little white race victims is an insult. An insult to REAL white victims of the silverback scum that walks our streets!”
On the 2005 Kashmir earthquake: “Itz all good – dead paki’s!!”
On Brighton Pride: “Don’t be straight or white in Brighton. If you are a wog or a poof, then Brighton city council will bend over backwards for you, pun intended. The city already has the reputation for the biggest gay pride fesival, now look! It makes me sick!!!”
On the arrest of Nazi Ernst Zundel in Austria: “It just gets worse doesn't it? Arrested in the mighty Adolf Hitler's birthplace. ZOG are scum. May all their babies be born dead!”
On the death of Labour MP Tony Banks: “Look at that geezers schnozzle, surely he was also a Kike? Anyway, hears hoping for many more dead red bastards in 2006.”
On Nazi propagandist William Joyce AKA Lord Haw-Haw: “A proud and brave man. Resolute and steadfast in his beliefs until the very end.”
On inter-racial relationships (by Sid Williamson): “OI NIGGER! Now tell me what you are going to do about it coon boy. You say you have a white partner? Well that person is now damaged goods, any white who screws a nigger is a non white forever more. You have infected this person (male or female) with your stinking nigger cock. You are vermin and should be treated as such. The fact you boast about screwing whites makes you the first nigger on the list for the firing squad. You understanding me boy?”
On gun control (Sid Williamson to an American Nazi): “You guys are so damn lucky you are already armed. In the UK laws will soon be passed to stop people owning sharp kitchen knives!!”
On dead Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic: “Milosevic obviously had his heart in the right place, he wanted Serbia to be free of the Gypos and Muslims. RIP Slobodan Milosevic!”
On Winston Churchill: “Adolf Hitler new that the closest Aryan race to the Germans was the British. He didn't want a war with us. It was our sick zog government, Churchill in particular, that was hell bent on a war with him.”
On Nazism and the British public: “The ideology of National Socialism is still hard to sell to the brainwashed British public.”
On the death of black youngster Damilola Taylor: “Why the fuck should we care about a dead spooklet?”
On racial violence in Birmingham (by Sid Williamson): “The Paki's and the Niggers are killing each other on the streets of Birmingham tonight. This could well be the state of things to come. Personaly the longer this goes on the better I'll feel, and if it spreads, then thats great. Just think, dead coons and dead Joe's, and nothing to do with us. Maybe there is a god (or something of the like.)”
On ‘political activism’ (Williamson again): “I hear she is quite partial to a bit of dog shit through her letterbox! HE HE!”
On litter (and again) Brighton & Hove city council have just hired a team to remove 'racist stickers'. Looks like me n Buster will have to work a little faster!”
On Peter Mandelson: “A Jewish homosexual with a taste for mud men? Fire the ovens!!”
On barrister Sarah Mansoon: “Another bloody mud!”
Taniwch Dros Cymru
22.11.2006 22:35
"On immigration: “The ideology of white nationalism is ... A Great Britain occupied by the indigenous white population, ""
We have really undesirable people moving in pushing the price of houses beyond our reach, destroying our culture, and swamping our political voice.
And one of them is called Griffin.
But seriously, three welsh speakers put their lives on the line to defend the life of the Symbol of Resistance to fascist White tyranny who came as a refugee from a Black Nation.
And who cares for the welfare of the children of the Patriot who died attempting an action?
What did Amddifyn Ein Hunain try? Is it late enough to be sure it did not work? It was a scientific english woman who enabled the experiment. What a joke!
23.11.2006 10:33
“Adolf Hitler new that the closest Aryan race to the Germans was the British. He didn't want a war with us. It was our sick zog government, Churchill in particular, that was hell bent on a war with him.”
- that's accurate actually, Hitler initially sought an alliance with the British Empire
white rose
Auntie's Fake Quotes
03.12.2006 02:10
"Here's some of the things Sussex BNP member (ex 'National Recruitment officer of the Nazi 'British People's Party' and UK moderator of the fascist Vanguard New Network forum has had to say in the past 12 months:"
Having checked I was unable to find any evidence to substantiate the quotations Auntie attributed to the Sussex BNP member and can only conclude these are fake and a figment of his sewerage imagination.
If Auntie cannot contribute in a sensible and accurate way he/she should button it.