Tape Recording of Brighton Police Chief Kevin Moore - mp3 5.0M
Transcript of Recording of Brighton Police Chief - application/msword 206K
Jewish member of Palestine Solidarity Threatens To Sue for Libel
In an article in the Brighton & Hove Argus of 26th August, Brighton Divisional Commander, Chief Supt. Kevin Moore alleged that the organisers of a demonstration on August 19th calling for an end to the bombing of Lebanon were motivated by anti-Semitism. I can only assume the intention of the demonstration in an area where there is a large Jewish population was a deliberate attempt to provoke and incite.’
This was his justification for one of the heaviest policing actions on a demonstration in Brighton. There seemed at one point to be more police than demonstrators and there were at least 4 video/CCTV teams in action, including a tourist bus which was hired by the Police.
Moore’s ‘reason’ for this allegation was the fact that the march had started in Hove’s Palmeira Square. In fact Palmeira Square in Hove is situated in the middle of Brighton & Hove’s large Arab community. It also happened to the Police’s suggestion 4 years ago!
This is another example of Supt. Moore becoming involved in highly contentious political issues. Who gave him the right to attribute to the organisers of the demonstrations an anti-Semitic motive. People on the demonstration, including those who were Jewish, were motivated solely by the horrific crimes Israel committed in Lebanon and the racism towards Arabs that this showed. Moore used an incident where a motorist described as a ‘half-Jewish doorman’ shouted ‘terrorist’ at the nearest Arab demonstrator and became involved in a verbal altercation with him. If anything it was the motorist who was guilty of a racial abuse for assuming that all Arabs are terrorists.
Ironically the only Jewish person who was assaulted on the march of August 19th was myself and that was at the hands of Moore’s officers. This is the subject of legal proceedings. Palmeira Square in Hove has historically been the starting place of demonstrations over Palestine and has nothing whatsoever to do with the presence or otherwise of Jewish people in the area. Jewish people live in all areas of Brighton and Hove.
Jewish people have in their hundreds demonstrated in Brighton, London, Edinburgh and elsewhere against the recent carnage in Lebanon. To make accusations of anti-Semitism demonstrates the politicisation of Sussex Police. Supt. Moore was responsible for the detention of Walter Wolfgang on suspicion of ‘terrorism’ at last October’s Labour Party Conference and he has been responsible for the legal fiasco at EDO-MBM, also involving demonstrators. Supt. Moore seems to have a problem with the right to protest and demonstrate in a democratic society. If he is so concerned by racism he might care to reopen the investigation into the murder of Jay Abatan since it was his own force’s negligence which led to the murderers not being caught.
I also sent Moore notice that I would issue proceedings for defamation. As a result he rang me up and we had an interesting conversation. In order to ensure that I wasn’t misquoted I taped the conversation and people are welcome to listen to an example of Blair’s new policing in action. A racist incident is one that the victim perceives as such, even if there is no evidence. So a resident who says a march is anti-Semitic must be taken at her word. Orwell eat your heart out!!
Tony Greenstein
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More on the Left Wing and Anti-Semitism
09.09.2006 04:16
Homepage: http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/index2.php/ex/examples
09.09.2006 12:41
Anti Zionism - opposition to the ideology of zionism, a political doctrine.
These are two seperate things, but are often confused in the minds of non leftists.
it is possible to be anti semitic and pro zionist, as were some nazis who wanted a jewish free europe and so supported the zionist project, and so also are the Right wing christian supporters of israel, who want the Jewish people to return to israel and convert to christianity.
it is possible to be not anti semitic but anti zionist, as evidenced by some orthodox jewish groups which reject the state of Israel and also by leftists like Noam Chomsky.
it is also possible to be anti zionism and anti semitic, as, unfortunatly, are some islamicist groups.
the leftist solution has to be clearly anti zionist yet NOT anti semitic. this is what we have to fight for and be clear about to all.
Brighton police focused on stopping anti-war groups
09.09.2006 15:35
Brighton police collude with the EDO-MBM arms company, attack anti-war demonstrators, corral people into intolerable protest areas and maintain a false and sickening 'community relations' PR front.
I'm impressed, the name stealing morons finally noticed...
09.09.2006 17:55
It was a big part of the nazi project to ensure that anti-nazi writers and commentators across the world were attacked whenever they attempted to alert people to the nazi menace.
Today, Blair, and his New Reich agents, do the exact same thing in the name of the genocidal crimes of themselves, and their so-called zionist (did the tribe supporters of the recent Israel holocaust of Lebanon call themselves 'zionist', or did they call themselves another word, beginning with 'j' ???) servants.
Hitler made frequent reference to the fact that his 'people' had been persecuted, and were being persecuted. The KKK made frequent reference to the fact that the 'white man' had been persecuted, and were being persecuted. Israel and its supporters use IDENTICAL RHETORIC to both Hitler and the KKK, while being responsible for exactly the same race crimes themselves.
The action of racist psychopath Kevin Moore is no different from the actions of racist thugs within Mussolini's policeforce within Italy, when Italians wished to demonstrate against the racist crimes of Germany's nazis.
ANYWAY, to get back to the moron who used the age old zionist technique of stealing my identity, (rather reminds me of the Israeli government agents in New Zealand caught stealing the identities of disabled kids), I know that since YOU and your people butchered those poor people on the beach weeks ago, you feel that things have been going rather well for your 'master-race'. Rest assured that I'm certain that you will suceed in buying enough time for your master, Blair, to allow him to begin the genocide of millions of innocent Humans in Iran. I hope you gain the place in Hell that you are working so hard to earn.
From A Palmiera Square Resident
17.09.2006 08:19
George Coombs
e-mail: georgecmbs@aol.com
Reply to Comments
26.09.2006 17:21
Photo of Moore
Moore's accusation of anti-Semitism
Anti-Zionism is a form of anti-racism, just as being anti-apartheid when there was white minority rule in South Africa. If you are anti-Semitic then you are a racist and not an anti-Zionist. As Twilight 2 states, historically anti-Semites, including the Nazis, were the most ardent Zionists as the Zionists promised to make their lands judenrein. Anyone who doubts this can call at the Zionist HQ in Finchley Road, London. Its name? Balfour House, named after the premier anti-Semite who introduced, as Prime Minister the Aliens Act in 1905 to help stop the immigration of Jewish refugees from Czarist Russia. He didn’t like Jews coming to England buit he just loved them going to colonise Palestine and creating a strategic buffer on the Suez Canal and its regions. Anyone who knows anything of Zionism knows that until 1945 the main supporters of Zionism were anti-Semites and its main opponents were Jewish. After 1945, which was a defeat of the left and anti-racism, Zionism triumphed in the Jewish community thanks to the imperialist and bourgeois powers. But Zionism never changed its spots.
Many people believe that Israel is a last refuge for Jews against anti-Semites. The example of Argentina, where up to 3,000 young leftist Jews died under torture or from being thrown out of planes demolishes this nonsense. Israel was the best friend of the Junta, which was itself the best friend of the US. Left-wing Jews were the enemy of both Israel and Argentina and the USA. Therefore Israel left them to rot and its embassy in Buenos Aires deliberately blocked visas for them and conservative Zionist groups in the USA attacked people like the liberal journalist Jacob Timmerman who was arrested and tortured by the Junta. He went to Israel and denounced these timid Zionists, who fought to keep the atrocities of the Junta against Jews quiet (unlike making a great noise at the moment about the ‘anti-Semitism’ of Chavez, as they did of the ‘anti-Semitism’ of the Sandanistas).
And of course the Nazis were the most pro-Zionist of all. The SS repeatedly came out in favour of the Zionist groups who were alone favoured within the Jewish community. A whole network of kibbutzim were set up in occupied Nazi Europe!! Indeed it is ironic that the Police confiscated a placard from an 8 year old girl with a Star of David on one side and a Swastika on the other. Because the Nazis struck a coin with a SoD on one side and a swastika on the other in 1933 to commemorate the journey of Baron von Mildenstein, at the invitation of the Zionist terror group Hagannah to Palestine where he stayed, courtesy of the labour Zionist movement for 6 months seeing what the ‘new Jews’ were doing in building up their settlements. He was very impressed with them as opposed to the proletarian rabble of Eastern Europe.
So for fools like twilight (1) if you are a Zionist you are also likely to be an anti-Semite, but if you are an anti-Zionist you are no more likely to be anti-Semitic than a block of snow is likely to be found at the equator.
So krs is partially right, though Chomsky is not anti-Zionist but a non-Zionist or left-Zionist (at the far fringes of Zionism who believed in binationalism). I see him as a non-Zionist but I know others disagree.
I agree with George Coombs entirely and I hope he pens a letter to the Argus with all the others criticising Moore and his bootboys.
Tony Greenstein
e-mail: tonygreenstein@yahoo.com