11.30AM – SUNDAY 23RD JULY (organised by Justice not Vengeance)
On Saturday 22nd July and Sunday 23rd July the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and the Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign (BIG) call on activists nationwide to join a picket of the Israel-Britain Davis Cup tennis tournament in Eastbourne.
The PSC and the BIG campaign are responding to calls from Palestine and Israel calling for a boycott of Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights. The boycott includes an academic, cultural and sporting boycott. The call for an international boycott has been signed by 180 civil society organisations in Palestine.
Israel is currently engaged in a murderous assault on Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank. On Thursday Israeli bombardment killed 57 civilians in Lebanon, and 13 civilians in Marghaza Camp, Gaza. Israeli troops also invaded Nablus and mounted several offences in the West Bank killing 13.
Activists plan to stage a picket outside the grounds and to hand Palestinian flags to fans to wave during the game.
The action is part of a wider campaign to build a mass boycott movement against apartheid Israel.
Notes to Editors:
1. For comments please email

2. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) aims to raise public awarenessabout the occupation of Palestine and the struggle of the Palestinian people. PSC seek to bring pressure on both the British and Israeli government to bring their policies in line with international law. PSC is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from communities across Britain.
3. On 9th June 2005 a coalition of Palestinian Civil Society Organisations
issued a ‘Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel until
it complies with International Law’.

statement and signatories.
4. Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights in 1967 in
contravention of international law.
Since then Israel has moved over 380,000 settlers into these occupied
territories in contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention (article 49),
the Hague Regulations and United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
Israel continues to build an illegal apartheid wall inside the West Bank
despite the Advisory Ruling of the International Court of Justice in 2005
that the wall is illegal. Fifty five illegal Israeli settlements will be
on the Israeli side of the wall separated from the West Bank.
Since 2000 Israel has demolished 628 Palestinian houses, home to 3, 983
people, in acts of collective punishment. These demolitions constitute a
war crime. (Above statistics confirmed by Israeli Information Centre
Btselem see www.btselem.org)
3, 808 Palestinians have been killed as a direct result of Israeli
military actions and 29, 456 injured during the current upraising which
began in September 2000.
5. For latest news and updates please see www.palestinecampaign.org
Hide the following 8 comments
sorry to say, but that's racist
20.07.2006 14:58
i am not against protesting against what is happening in the Middle East at the moment but your action is
wrong: Would you picket the English or Welsh football team for the Bristish involvement in the Iraq war?
Would you like to see people in the USA throwing tomatos at British Tennis Players because British Government
kills people in Basra?
It is racist to judge people because of their nationality, it is as simple like that.
Apologist for Israel gets good idea shock horror
20.07.2006 16:15
What an absolutely topping suggestion!! Let's get something organised. How about a "pie Rooney" event or "rotten toms for Tim" (that's Henman of course). Anyone else have any good idea for a sport related protest?
Skyver Bill
The scum that say anything to protect Israel
20.07.2006 16:32
i am not against protesting against what is happening in the Middle East at the moment but your action is
wrong: Would you picket the English or Welsh football team for the Bristish involvement in the Iraq war?
UNQUOTE (comment from '/reader')
Pure evil racist dribble from '/reader'.
Should Britain have allowed official nazi sports teams to compete in the UK during WW2. Well, according to '/reader', it would have been 'racist' to stop or protest such an event. How sick are the supporters of Israeli atrocity, and how pathetic the excuses they use to try to protect the butchers from our wrath.
The Israeli nation is a TERRORIST STATE, always was, and always will be. People like Mandelson, Levy, Goldsmith and Straw will do anything they can to ensure that the worst Israeli terrorists can enter our nation any time they wish, usually for the purpose of raising funds for further terrorist acts.
Israeli sports teams almost always include members directly responsible for the rape, torture and murder of helpless Humans in the occupied territories and Lebanon. Allowing those responsible for the most vile racist crimes this planet has witnessed to promote their depraved nation should sicken every single one of us.
Ask yourself this question. How do you think the victims of the Israeli atrocities designed to destroy EVERTHING that the people of Gaza and Lebanon possess would feel to hear that this tennis event was going ahead in the UK at this time. I would suggest that they would feel exactly as the inmates of a nazi death camp would have felt, hearing that a nazi team was allowed into the UK to play tennis.
What so many of you fans of Marx and Lenin have denied for so long is now a bloody truth that will no longer be silenced. The 'tribe of Israel' and its supporters are the followers of a foul 'master-race' ideology every bit as racist and depraved as the nazi 'master-race' ideology. However, at least the nazis had powerful enemies. The Israelis have infiltrated every single significant nation of the West in order that unlike the nazis, their genocide may continue without significant opposition at the level of governments. With the governments of Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Russia, US and UK standing fully behind every act of Israeli mass murder and mass destruction, only protest can illustrate the true level of disgust felt by decent Humans in the West.
I WOULD REMIND YOU THAT THE LEADERS OF GERMANY, CANADA, UK, AND US HAVE ALL RECENTLY STATED THAT EVERY CITIZEN OF THEIR NATION SUPPORTS ISRAEL, AND ITS FILTHY WAR CRIMES. This illustrates the true nature of the perverted form of 'democracy' that is all that is left of our once proud moral traditions. The sick monsters that we DIDN'T vote into power (go look at the voting figures that gave people like Blair and Merkel their 'leadership' positions) now make a point of explicitly speaking on behalf of each of us. No politician uses this megalomaniac form of speech by accident. Such words are used at the time of the greatest acts of political evil, and murderous abuse of power.
Blair intends that the horrifying rape of Gaza and the Lebanon (which ***Blair*** greenlit during his meetings with Israel's High Command a few weeks back) will bring the day of his GENOCIDE of Iran closer. I doubt whether any of you reading this (unless you work for the Iranian government) think that war with Iran has been made less likely. REMEMBER, IRAN IS TO BLAIR AS POLAND IS TO HITLER.
20.07.2006 16:55
When, where, how?
"The sick monsters that we DIDN'T vote into power"
Democracy is democracy whether 30% or 100% of voters choose to use their votes, would you have them goosestepped down to the polling station.
I'll have a tenner on Blair being out of office and no attack on Iran.
"***Blair*** greenlit during his meetings with Israel's High Command a few weeks back"
Proof please, who did he meet, where, have you seen the minutes. Why would they come here and not the US. What has clair got to gain from any of this.
You are a ranting coward sir, please go **** yourself
Dear "." - you're overdoing the idiot savant act, love
20.07.2006 18:59
Unless you really are an idiot, in which case forget I said anything. (I'm sure you already have)
20.07.2006 19:18
... crushed by the wheels of industry ...
Despite your dailymail remedial history of western fantasies about democracy, you are actually wrong about the numbers.
I have met NO ONE who has a good word to say about the [current] actions of israel in this country. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are many - it's just that they are massively outnumbered by those who take a more measured approach and decide - on the basis of what is tantamount, visable and clear - that israel is commiting war crimes daily and that it has to stop ...
... read this thread to see how israeli leaders and citizens celebrate the murder of british servicemen and civilians:
Off course it is hidden (now) but if enough of you feel the need to display your opposition to this fact, you will be suprised at the willingness of the mods to engage in debate and alter their positions * IF* done in a correct and polite way (ie on the features list and briefly).
... I hope you can read this beyond the graphic ... a ghostly voice was heard ...
20.07.2006 19:18
... crushed by the wheels of industry ...
Despite your dailymail remedial history of western fantasies about democracy, you are actually wrong about the numbers.
I have met NO ONE who has a good word to say about the [current] actions of israel in this country. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are many - it's just that they are massively outnumbered by those who take a more measured approach and decide - on the basis of what is tantamount, visable and clear - that israel is commiting war crimes daily and that it has to stop ...
... read this thread to see how israeli leaders and citizens celebrate the murder of british servicemen and civilians:
Off course it is hidden (now) but if enough of you feel the need to display your opposition to this fact, you will be suprised at the willingness of the mods to engage in debate and alter their positions * IF* done in a correct and polite way (ie on the features list and briefly).
... I hope you can read this beyond the graphic ... a ghostly voice was heard ...
20.07.2006 19:20
... crushed by the wheels of industry ...
Despite your dailymail remedial history of western fantasies about democracy, you are actually wrong about the numbers.
I have met NO ONE who has a good word to say about the [current] actions of israel in this country. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are many - it's just that they are massively outnumbered by those who take a more measured approach and decide - on the basis of what is tantamount, visable and clear - that israel is commiting war crimes daily and that it has to stop ...
... read this thread to see how israeli leaders and citizens celebrate the murder of british servicemen and civilians:
Off course it is hidden (now) but if enough of you feel the need to display your opposition to this fact, you will be suprised at the willingness of the mods to engage in debate and alter their positions * IF* done in a correct and polite way (ie on the features list and briefly).
... I hope you can read this beyond the graphic ... a ghostly voice was heard ...