POLICE did not return during the night. The protesters are asking for people to come and bring them a wheel barrow, more tarpaulins, polyprop rope, climbing harnesses and 100mm nails. But most of all they need PEOPLE there to back them up.
10pm, Sunday May 28
POLICE returned to the camp at around 8pm and announced that, under legislation normally deployed against
travellers, they had the power to clear the site. They said the campers had an hour to vacate the woods before
they returned to enforce their order. Campers' possessions were hurriedly lifted into the trees and the protesters
retreated into the high branches as night fell.
Tomorrow is a bank holiday. If at all possible, please consider going to the camp early in the morning - from dawn.
Bring video cameras or cameras if you can get hold of them, or otherwise just be there to witness what happens.
See below for directions.
6pm, Sunday May 28
A TREE TOP protest camp in ancient Sussex woodland has been set up.
Despite the earlier threat of an illegal eviction, by Sunday evening it was still there and growing in size. The protesters have occupied part of Titnore Woods in Durrington, Worthing, in a brave bid to halt the massive planned housing development and road widening.
They moved onto the land off Titnore Lane early on Sunday May 28 in an audacious dawn operation. The landowners, the Somerset family, turned up during the morning to tell them to leave and have already draughted in Mark Lynch of Guardian Guards security, notorious for his intimidation of peace protesters at the Brighton EDO weapons parts factory.
Luckily the protesters had already built tree house structures, meaning a quick and easy eviction was out of the question.
Police also arrived at the camp during the morning and later the Sussex Police helicopter was circling the site.
Locals from the nearby estate have been visiting the protesters and voicing their support.
As a result, the Somersets have been digging ditches and erecting barbed wire fences to try and keep out the supporters.
We urge all supporters to do what they can to back the campers - it takes a lot of guts and determination to do
what they’re doing.
Here’s how you can help:
* Moral support. Just popping in to say ‘hello’ is important.
* Practical help. Are you a dab hand with a hammer or a spade? Want to help improving, decorating or securing the camp?
* Gifts. Stuff like wood, blue rope, nails, food (preferably not meat or dairy), fresh water and so on.
* Physical support. It is still very possible that an illegal and violent eviction of the camp may be attempted. Can you spare a few hours on-site?
* Voice your support. There will probably be criticism of the protest voiced by politicians in the local media. Write
to the papers to say you support the camp! Phone the local radio stations!
* Spread the word. Tell your friends, family and neighbours. Send an email to everyone in your address book! Get texting or phoning.
* Office space. The protesters are appealing for a dry indoor space in the area to use as an office - preferably with a phone line.
* Financial support. Many thanks to those who have already made a contribution - without you this would not have been possible. But there will obviously continue to be costs to be met to keep the effort going. How about organising a fundraising jumble sale or coffee morning?
* Join the camp! Got some time on your hands? No reservations are necessary. Just turn up with a sleeping bag
and stay as long as you like!
The camp is in woods just north of "Somerset Lake", a fishing lake east of Titnore Lane. Easiest access is from Fulbeck Avenue, off Titnore Way. Take the path at the far east of Fulbeck Avenue, then turn left until there is a large gap in the hedgerow on the left, opposite a cleared square of ground on the right, and cross right over to the far side of the field, keeping the clump of trees to your left.
It can also be reached via the car park at Tesco's in Durrington, which is served by no 3 and 4 buses from Worthing central railway station. Basically head straight on from the entrance to the fields at the back end of the supermarket car park, reaching the gap in the hedgerow mentioned above.
Nearest railway station is Goring by Sea on the main South Coast line with direct trains from Brighton, Portsmouth and London.
There is a camp phone - 0780 4245324, although people have reported difficulties in reaching it.