The next Block the Builders blockade to disrupt construction work on the new Orion laser facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston will be on Monday 10th April. Please meet up on Sunday evening, 9th April, at 6pm at the Friends Meeting House in Newbury (map:

Of course if you decide to head straight to Aldermaston on Monday morning that is fine too, but try and plan your journey so that you don’t get caught up in the traffic caused by the blockade.
If you know that you will be able to join the blockade, and also whether you need accommodation the night before, please drop us a line or phone to let us know. This will assist with ensuring adequate support for the blockade with transport, sleeping, food, legal observers etc.
Block the Builders is committed to regular, monthly, non-violent blockades against the building of the new laser facility at AWE Aldermaston. There now are 93 pledgers online, just a few away from our first hundred. Please try and get a friend to pledge today, and bring them along to the next blockade, and to the ones after that....
Contact details: Tel. 07969 739812