To mark the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, made possible through the use of components produced at companies such as EDO MBM, there are 2 public actions on Home Farms Rd in Brighton this week.
Tuesday 21st March - Citizens Weapons Inspection, meet bottom of Home Farm Rd at 4, uniforms provided. We will be marching up Home Farm Rd on the anniversary of the Iraq invasion with our dossier of evidence linking EDO MBM to war crimes committed and being committed during the illlegal invaison and occupation of Iraq. We will be presenting this in some form to the company.
Thursday 23rd March - Noise Demo, Home Farm Rd 4-6, uniforms optional. In the wake of the weapons inspectors' visit we will be reminding EDO MBM staff that they can't hide their complicity in war crimes committed in Iraq and elsewhere. Last week missiles probably using components manufactured on Home Farm Rd were fired at a Palestinian prison in Jericho in an illegal Israeli arrest raid after US and UK guards providing security left.
Check out 3 new Schmovies about the campaign at: For more campaign details see contact us at or call 07891405923