For immediate release 18th March 2006
A 999 call had to be made for emergency medical help today after hunt saboteurs were viciously attacked by both hunt staff and supporters of the Cotswold Vale Farmers hunt. Two saboteurs were taken to hospital, one with suspected broken ribs and severe concussion, the other with a suspected broken cheekbone and concussion. The hunt, which met at Sandhurst near Gloucester (Gloucestershire) had been been illegally hunting all day and saboteurs were present to collect evidence and also to intervene if necessary to prevent a kill. Police are currently taking statements in order to investigate the assaults.
Dawn Preston, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated 'It appears that, as ever, the hunt saboteurs were too successful at their job - and paid for it by being subjected to a severe beating. 13 saboteurs had been with the hunt all day, and despite the fact that illegal hunting had been reported to the police in attendance, they had declined to act to enforce the law. Around 3pm the hunt was in the area of a wood when hounds where placed inside it and immediately went into cry - thus signalling they were onto to a fox. Saboteurs managed to call them out of the wood using horns calls so as to prevent the hounds hunting, and it was immediately after that that the attack occurred. A video camera being used to record the illegal hunting was stolen in the attack, an apparent attempt by the hunt to get rid of the evidence it seems.'
She continued 'What we have here - yet again - is a clear example of the police failing to act to prevent illegal hunting, but then having to deal with the aftermath. Why it takes a vicious attack, including a robbery, and then the involvement of other emergency services before they take an interest in the issue is beyond me. It is safe to say that had the police spoken to the hunt so as to ensure that any hunting taking place was within the law, ie trail hunting, then this situation would not have occurred. Now many hours of police time and, hopefully, the involvement of the legal system will be required. One has to question the police approach here, as at the moment the thinking behind it (if any) lacks foresight. This weekend marks the end of the season for many hunts, and we can only hope that the police have a rethink of their approach before we embark on the next one.'
Notes to Editors
Past press releases and background information on the Hunt Saboteurs Association can be found at
Hide the following 9 comments
Snowdonia Hunt
20.03.2006 02:12
Well it is Wales, and such possibilities can be imagined here....a long way from the serried ranks of blightyworld red coats.
King Amdo
A sure fire way to prevent this happening again..
23.03.2006 17:28
i don't really like hunting. i have no strong feelings like I do in other areas (Ie i am pro-research) but I can't help but feel these guys would have been better of spending their time HELPING PEOPLE in this world rather than animals.. plus they probably wouldn't have broken bones.
Shaquila implicitly Agrees with violent assault
24.03.2006 11:24
Have you helped anyone Shaquila? or just do you carp on those that do?
I'm Pro Research also,Shaquila-In Vitro Research,Organ and Tissue Culture Research,Autopsy Research,Clininal Research-But you don't mean those do u?You mean,animal experimentation for which you(like many others who embody,what the tv media verbally sanctions) euphemisticly type "research".
Instead of skirting around this specific subject of violent assault,just verbally type,you agree with it because,"animal rights extremeists" stop your anthprocentric furfillment.
26.03.2006 10:56
31.03.2006 16:17
More info
31.03.2006 16:20
It's simple, really
13.04.2006 08:51
despite the protestations of "We just want open debate", Every single time I have engaged a member of SHAC or any similar group in debate (at a street stall, for example) they have taken the low road and resorted to insults regarding my appearance, or my apparent age. With one notable exception in a small home counties town in about 1999, when I had a very englightening discussion with a very intelligent member of the campaign, I have been left feeling that these people are vicious, stupid or misguided (sometimes all three).
The fact that any kind of step away from the animal rights line on this website seems to result in
A) calls of '"Troll! get his IP address!" or
B) "you're a corporate drone who's afraid of unbalancing the status quo"
neither of these actually address the matter in hand. SHAC have published home addresses of personal friends, the ALF have attacked people I know, they put banners on their website comparing scientists (who, whatever you might think of animal research, believe they are doing a job for the greater good) to PAEDOPHILES.
Also, greg avery is a simple minded fool ("it's a battle between good and evil".. gimme a break, michelin man) and I find the whole campaign utterly OTT.
27.04.2006 16:05
Re the violence....if you act like gangsters you can't complain if the hunt people treat you like gansters.
Nuff said
27.04.2006 16:05
Re the violence....if you act like gangsters you can't complain if the hunt people treat you like gansters.
Nuff said