Education as we know is dying. The changes that already are in going on and those that will be in the next months will turn the social right that represents the Education in a product that can be bought and be sold. Good examples of these facts are the Bologna Process and the different changes in laws that are carrying out the Governments and
Education as we know is dying. The changes that already are in going on and those that will be in the next months will turn the social right that represents the Education in a product that can be bought and be sold. Good examples of these facts are the Bologna Process and the different changes in laws that are carrying out the Governments and administrations as well as the phenomena that we are seeing in these last months: extension to 2 years of the contract of practices in Germany, the adoption of laws that condemn to youth to a precarious live in France, leaving the curriculums of the Italian Universities into the hands of private investments…
And we are right for the preoccupation, after all the student’s has been a group that historically has taken conscience of its situation and has fought by its rights. Now it is the moment for undertaking this objective again. In diverse meetings made all over Europe the necessity has been put on the table to organize us and to make joint fights. And in it we are.
From 24 to 26 of March of 2006 in Euskal Herria we will have much to say around these processes. Students of all the corners of Europe you have the invitation to participate in the European Students Summit and to construct with your voice a new alternative.
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