better protection for LGBT people across the EU in the light of recent attacks and some new (Eastern Euro) countries bans on gay parades and civil partnerships etc(Poland/Latvia etc)
However,a Polish MEP defended its 'position'. (See 1 & 2)
2) editorial.

MEPs call for EU action to protect homosexuals
17.01.2006 - 09:39 CET | By Lucia Kubosova EUOBSERVER / STRASBOURG – The EU should do more to prevent discrimination against homosexuals, several MEPs pointed out at a plenary debate in Strasbourg, on Monday (16 January).
The discussion followed a statement by the European Commission on homophobia in Europe, in which vice-president Franco Frattini highlighted existing EU legislation, which rules out discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
"Homophobia is in breach of human rights and we are monitoring this issue in the member states and report on the cases where our efforts have been unsuccessful," Mr Frattini stated.
However, he received a number of critical remarks from deputies, asking for more action by the commission and more outspoken pressure on governments in countries with recent incidents pointing to homophobic trends among their citizens as well as political leaders.
The harshest criticism was levelled against Poland and Polish leaders, with MEPs condemning statements by leading politicians and blockades of pro-gay marches by local authorities in Warsaw and Poznan.
"If we do nothing, we are complicit to the crimes of violence we can see happening in many EU member states," said British labour MEP Michael Cashman, stressing that as a gay himself, he is disappointed such negative sentiments persist in Europe.
On the other hand, Polish MEP Konrad Szymanski from the group Union of Europe of the Nations argued the whole debate was a "waste of time" and suggested that MEPs should not be "hysterical" about the situation of homosexuals in the EU.
"Member states have their legal instruments to protect the rights of their citizens, and there is no need to organise some sort of union to protect homosexuals, as it would - quite on the contrary - undermine European integration," Mr Szymanski said.
A number of MEPs referred to problems of homosexual couples that have some social rights in one EU country but "lose" them when moving across borders, with Finnish conservative deputy Alexander Stubb arguing it was against the principle of equality valued by the EU.
Green deputies expressed their disappointment over recent decisions by Latvian and Lithuanian parliaments to table amendments to their constitutions prohibiting same-sex marriage.
But countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom received praise from some parliamentarians for their recognition of same-sex marriages or partnerships
2) on the Polish position.

Polish MEP: gay debate a “waste of time”
Wednesday 18 January, 2006 13:08 | More from this date | Today's headlines
A Polish MEP has hit back at criticism of his country’s apparent homophobic actions, slamming a debate on how to tackle anti-gay sentiment across the EU as a “waste of time”.
Polish MEP Konrad Szymanski argued that a debate on homophobia in the bloc was unnecessary and warned that MEPs from the western countries were in danger of becoming “hysterical”.
They have criticised Poland for its ban on gay Pride marches and it support for “traditional family” protests. The country’s president has also faced accusations of homophobia.
At the European Parliament this week, MEPs called for more action from member states and asked them to tackle homophobia more effectively.
"In October 2004 President Barroso promised that his Commission would bring forward a directive to combat discrimination in other areas within the EU's competences,” UK MEP and gay campaigner Michael Cashman said.
“In 2 years there has been no proposal and no action. When will we receive this directive?"
"Even in the UK, where enormous advances have been made, a young man was kicked to death just before Christmas for no other reason than he was homosexual.”
“If the EU does nothing, it is party to every single blow that was rained upon that individual and other men like him and on gay women across the EU."
His comments were backed by other MEPs from the UK and other countries, with many calling for more action to be taken against member states that seem to turn a blind eye to homophobic actions.
But Szymanski said there was “no need” to tackle the issue.
"Member states have their legal instruments to protect the rights of their citizens, and there is no need to organise some sort of union to protect homosexuals, as it would - quite on the contrary - undermine European integration," he claimed