Bush is sending Imperialist death squads to Venezuela to murder an innocent man. His crime? not bowing to the US and standing up for the ordinary working-class people of his nation. Fascist clergyman are calling for his head and the US's state in South America (Colombia) is accusing him of sheltering Leftist guerillas while they are turning a blind eye to right-wing terrorists at home.
We need to show our support for President Chavez and condemn the actions of the US and Colombia.
To take part in the support of President Chavez at the Venezuelan embassy in London on 5 November.
Venezuelan Embassy Adress:
1 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2HR
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Pat Robertson is far more destructive to peace and security on the national leve
21.10.2005 00:51
Pat Robertson is far more destructive to peace and security on the national level than the many thousands of individuals not owning broadcast networks, who have been incarcerated merely for using cannabis.
Whether or not Pat Robertson claims divine inspiration for his violent suggestion, he damned well knows the power of mass communication. Is he setting a precedent for everyone to freely ignore FCC standards? That might be a blessing in disguise.
If a fundamentalist Moslem leader is a terrorist for condoning violence in the name of Allah, then so is a fundamentalist Christian leader for condoning violence in the name of God. Again, Venezuela's Vice-President Jose Vicente Rangel said, “religious fundamentalism is one of the great problems facing humanity in these times”.
As for Chavez, polls indicate a strong popularity.