Although numbers were low, we managed to join the march and harass the RAF for the entire time with chants and an enormous pink banner. They seemed distinctly pissed off the whole afternoon and even tried to get the march security to remove us, but to no avail. We gave out fliers advertising the new queer space at the cowley club (first meeting 7pm,14th August, Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton) and talked to a confused public about why the RAF marching in 'pride' and giving out stickers and sweets didn't make them good guys.
Later we flyered and harassed at the recruitment vans and had a mass die-in infront which apparently terrified the tough guys as they called in the cops to defend them. All in all, a fun day. Photos to come.
with rebellion and pink pants,
queer mutiny brighton
Hide the following 6 comments
Pink Stripes
07.08.2005 01:39
07.08.2005 12:10
A woman scorned Phil ?
Queer and Proud
radical queers back into the agenda...
09.08.2005 13:25
pink pants fight back!
30.09.2005 21:09
there is no why
12.04.2007 15:42
Probably have a problem with people doing something thats not 'liberal' enough like choosing a potentialy dangerous career becuase they think it will help people.
Celebration of life not death
21.07.2008 09:07