“All information, which is used in European Police Co-operation, is also available to us” says Head of Finnish Security Police Seppo Nevala. Finnish Intelligence in Security Police as we all know from Russia – their similar police was called KGP and later of FSP. According to Seppo Nevala’s Statement given on a socialist run National Broadcast Company YLE’s morning TV program, are all claims false telling Finland would not get all information necessary for terrorism rejection.
NATO passed information would not bring any or not very meaning-full additional value in terrorism denial explains Socialist Finland Security Police Head Seppo Nevala.
Few days ago published article “East-Germany Intelligence Connections in Finland” was referring to Seppo Nevala’s as an important safety box keeper to Finnish Communists and Socialists in protecting Finnish Society Top Politicians involved in passing information to East-Germany intelligence and having worked as spies. Most of these people are now controlling Socialist Finland together with other socialist nations, such as Russia or Sweden.
Seppo Nevala’s links to communism and socialism was also reviewed in the previous article, as well his motives in protecting Stati-list of not being published openly. In this way Seppo Nevala has proved his ideological background and political aims of protecting communism together with his past work colleagues in Finland. In any other nation this list would had been published in protecting common interest, but Finland keeps it as a secret to let Stasi workers rule and co-operate with such socialist nations like Russia. A small nation has got even smaller ‘crème de la dreme’, which ruling is dishonest.
Seppo Nevala has spoken true in one respect; would NATO or CIA as a Capitalist Intelligence like to explain about their operations in beforehand to Finnish Security Police. So much for co-operation in terrorism prevention with socialists, who use dishonest ways to rule, usurp and maintain power.
Or how does this sound to you “Hey palls, we are about to shift aside some of your socialist killers having worked for the Stasi and now sitting as your leading lawyers and politicians. Since you are listed as a communist as well and work as the Head of Security Police, you wouldn’t mind firing yourself?”. Sorry, it doesn not work that way.
God save the USA.
Åke Tyvi

Source: Yle Morning-TV, Metro FRI 7/29/2005, p. 02, ”Nevala: Väitteet Suomen tietovajeesta perättömiä”