Democracy or cynical attempt to safeguard UN PMC funding for another year? Whatever it is, once again EDO face a PR problem.
Of course the arms industry are the most corrupt bunch out there when it comes to bribery and 'inducements' so its quite possible that councillors will get a hefty bonus for voting against this resolution, and maybe a free guided tour of USAF Eglin Airforce Base.
UK arms trade corruption reports can be found on the CAAT website.Worth a read.
Yesterday coverage in Brighton corporate daily The Argus
'Arms Company Face Censure'
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B & H council meeting
21.07.2005 13:07
Jaya got out y'day and is in good spirits after a week banged up.
peace not greedo
This seems a success, not a problem
21.07.2005 13:10
Of course politicians will have their reasons (sometime more in tune with local feeling than activists, to be brutally frank) for opposing arms factories and the like. Their motives are unlikely to be based on a wish to live in a non-hierarchical anarchist society. They may even be cynical.
But why condemn people moving towards you because of your excellent campaign instead of welcoming the move? If you build on things like this council debate - and the inevitable press coverage that will allow thousands of new people to read about EDO - you could get massive local support in a town like Brighton.
Some activists don't want to build campaigns that get too widespread support because they no longer control them and people from different backgrounds get involved. Wanting to be right all the time is very different from wanting to win.
I hope smashEDO want to win. A mixture of protests, legal battles, smart lobbying, research and locally-focussed campaigning can work wonders.
All the best with the council vote and the rest of the campaign.
Try again...
21.07.2005 15:11
22.07.2005 10:06
22.07.2005 12:27
a home goal i guess.
itchy fitchy
Not correct
22.07.2005 12:47
What this means is that nearly half the councillors in B&H do not approve of weapons manufacture in this city as they rejected the amendment which removed most of the references to Edo and the fact that the war is illegal.
Disappointing but a good result nonetheless. In 6 months time we might be luckier as it was all rushed through yesterday after a long session.
Each time they bang someone up their support weakens!
Ken Badfish
Something smells fishy ....must be bad!
22.07.2005 22:23
I notice the word 'citizens' being used more and more by the acteeevissst clan. Perhaps you should start behaving like citizens.
Rare Damsel
Pray Damsel, informeth uth pleath.
22.07.2005 22:54
Me thinks you doth think that a citizen should shut-up whilst the deaths of wee babes for profit be enabled.
Me thinketh too that citizen doth many meanings have - and hardly any doth match thy thoughts on the matter in hand.
Furthermore, me thinketh that once thy shyster lawyer hath had his pound of flesh, that the faire councillors, the illustrious press barons and many peoples besides shall know far more of the enterprises deadly dealings. Oh yeth indeedy.
And that this shalle assist with hastening the speedy departure of thy murderous enterprise from our city, that shall yet a Peace Messanger City be.
I bid thee farewell.
Sir William of Wildparke
What's wrong
24.07.2005 12:29
Peter the Grate
24.07.2005 20:13
It seems too many arms dealers (with or without anagrams) spend more time than is healthy for them on this site. Nice for one of them to finally admit they sell them to anyone who wants them as they are all so into equality.
Roland Bolan
Glad to have been of assistance Roland
25.07.2005 19:17