Mental illness is a loaded term. It asserts the superiority of the so-called mentally healthy; it implies that the 'mentally ill' should strive to better themselves. Mad Brighton is a forum that aims to destabilise this debilitating dichotomy.
We start by reclaiming the derogatory term "mad" from those who oppress and constrain us.
As part of this struggle we are going to initiate a creative social forum. A forum that will have a physical presence where experiences and dreams of madness may be shared. A de-stigmatised space where we will learn and teach. A forum which will not end when the doors of the venue close.
Through images, and texts, and music, through the material and psychic fabric of our interactions, through creating opportunities: we hope to delegitimise exclusion and foster a supportive community.
Our struggles are not limited to this place and time. We are an aspect of an international movement which is defined by its hopes and negations. It is this struggle in its specificities which we plan to amplify in Brighton, England this autumn.