Hundreds turned out for the march from Westgate Gardens to the Dane John, and the waving flags were really spectacular. It was a friendly and relaxed event - heartwarming. LGBT people from all over Kent turned up. There was a Pirate from Folkestone, under the guise of a horse, as well as sundry colourful folks from Deal, Broadstairs, Thanet, Canterbury, etc..
Thanks to those who organised this. PLEASE can we have one every year? I felt that it was so worthwhile, and really fulfilled a need. Perhaps business people will take the hint and provide Canterbury with a decent gay bar now!
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Nealy a thousand !!!
12.06.2005 13:17
Yes Indeed Mr Scrote !, I was there ,as 'The Kent Horse' (a.k.a HRH the Princess
Juliana (Tacky) B'raysqueer a lampoon on the arch homophobe MP for Canterbury-
Julian Brazier...) (Other side of banner said -gay rights=human rights. Bigots of
Saud = death for gays /Bigots of Bush = bans for gays . End homophobia worldwide)
There were just under 500 on the Parade from the Westgate Gnds thru the city centre to the Dane John Gdns. We joined around another 500 during the afternoon
'picnic' and revelries amongst 40 stalls from gay groups to Kent Green party to Kent
Fire Brigade.
Gay couples kissed and cuddles side by side with straight families with their kids!
No reports of any incidents (as tends to be the case for such). Some of those in the City centre looked rather ;'bemused' by us, some looked decidedly 'grumpy' but
basically, Kent gays have 'arrived' in darkest Toryland and we are not going
Hopefully, this may herald the tart of more gay run venues in Kent and more
gay friendly venues openly welcoming us (instead of just 'quietly' at present).