On 25th March, Smash Edo, Bombs out of Brighton and 14 individuals were issued with intended injunctions under the 1997 Harassment Act, to be heard in the High Court on April 14th.
The law was first introduced to protect people from stalkers but was then used against anti-vivisection groups.. This is the first time it has been used against an anti-war or anti-arms trade group.
“SmashEdo” aims to shut down EDO MBM using awareness-raising and Non-Violent Direct Action tactics.”
If the injunction were granted it would limit demonstrations to no more than ten people for two and a half hours on a Thursday afternoon. Other prohibitions would include the banning of musical instruments/amplified sound, and protest camps within 3 miles of Edo’s factory or any of the employees’ homes. These terms are very similar to those on injunctions against animal rights campaigns, and the now defunct Stop Bayer Campaign.
If granted on the terms requested by injunction specialists Solicitors Lawson-Cruttenden it will represent a further twisting of the law’s originally stated purpose. One of the reasons that companies and the police use civil, rather than criminal law is that the burden of proof necessary to get an “interim” injunction is very low. In the case of this particular campaign there have only been a handful of convictions relating to minor public order offences (Obstruct highway/Aggravated Trespass).
The campaigns tactics have included: a visit by a Citizens Inspections Agency (CIA) team, weekly noise demos, Letter writing,a peace camp, Silent Vigils, demos in town A phone blockade,and a roof-top demo.
Other repression connected with the EDO campaign has included Solicitors threatening UK IMC with legal action and a campaigner who downloaded publicly available information from the Company House Website having his house raided and arrested by Sussex police.
Even without the injunction Sussex Police have used their powers to declare assemblies of two or more people subject to conditions.
Hide the following 28 comments
Selective Amnesia?
03.04.2005 19:53
harrasment my arse
03.04.2005 21:44
Please show your proof of the Smashedo campaign involvement in criminal damage.
There is none.
high court judge
We Never Forget
03.04.2005 22:44
We will never forget your part in the Killing of thousands of civilians. The majority of people who protest against you are peaceful and probably a whole lot more law abiding than you Mr. EDO in your stupid 4x4.
By attempting to criminalise decent people in this way you will only turn more against you. If only you were smart enough to realise that you might be smart enough to get a decent job.
Criminalising Quakers and pensioners and other respectable citizens of Brighton will not earn you any more friends or any good publicity in the long term. And bringing a Labour Councillor into your evidence was not your smartest move - you really should get new glasses.
But I'm sure we can expect more lies and exagerated claims from you in the future.
Nellie the Elephant
Erm...... whose actions?
03.04.2005 23:25
"You appear to have forgotten to mention that your actions against Edo also include several instances of criminal damage to Edo property and the harrasement of Edo directors and families at their homes."
Whose actions are you saying included "criminal damage"? Last I heard it was a disgruntled former EDO employee.
As for harrassment of directors and their families - you're in the land of fairy stories now.
Come to think of it, did the so-called "criminal damage" and "harrassment" do as much harm as one bomb dropped on Iraqi civilians with EDO's help?
We should be told.
Poxie Pixie
Selective morality?
05.04.2005 18:27
Not Sir Robert Warmsley
Fuck the directors.Fuck Edo.
06.04.2005 16:19
Anyway as far as I know, no one from any campaign has been convicted of criminal damage against edo or protests outside company directors.
Up your kilts arms dealing scum.
Fuck de Fuck.
Limited Numbers
06.04.2005 21:02
Bob the Builder
re. Limited Numbers
07.04.2005 22:55
Mr Blobby
yum, more laws
08.04.2005 00:06
If this gets through then thats one more step down the road to a complete police state (or are we already in that epoche?)
bob basher
harrasment my arse my arse
13.04.2005 21:34
Please show your proof of the Smashedo campaign innocence in criminal damage.
There is none.
bob the builder
Injunction hearing adjourned
14.04.2005 21:35
The hearing is now to take place on FRIDAY 22nd April.
protest at EDO remains legal for at least one more week.
Media demonises legitimate protest
15.04.2005 16:12
harrasment my arse my arse my arse
15.04.2005 22:52
Please show proof of your innocence in your contribution to the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians.
Even if you make the tiniest component in these killing systems or even just make sandwiches for the people who do, you are complicit in war crimes and you should bow your head in shame.
EDO's idea of democracy in a nutshell:
16.04.2005 06:57
Guilty until proven guilty, as you can't prove a negative, especially for an unspecified number of people who associate with the slogan 'smash edo'. So is that what you mean by 'defending democracy' Bob? Sounds like totalitarianism to me.
Gerald Winstanley
Learn to count
16.04.2005 13:04
See you on Wednesday. :-)
Sir Robert Warmsley's personal daemon waiting to roast his balls in hell
next noise demo
17.04.2005 08:44
Bring pots and pans to Home Farm Rd, Brighton.
Show support at the High Court next Friday, demo outside from 9am.
We are here to stay, TLC or no TLC.
Sir Bob's inner circle of the inferno
number cruncher
18.04.2005 11:58
let's see how many turn up this Wednesday when the TV cameras aren't there.
So much for your vaunted 'wider support' among the peace community!
Demonstrate at Parliament or even at the bases but leave honest, working people alone!
Mr. Number Cruncher
18.04.2005 20:11
Well we would but the first is soon to be made a crime (Serious Organised Crime Bill) and the second could result in an ASBO (Lindis Percy, Mentworth Hill) . Oh well guess we'll have to stick to Edo. And it is nearer!
Percy Peterson
"but leave honest, working people alone!"
19.04.2005 07:04
EDO protest ban violates human rights, warns MEP
19.04.2005 11:29
Green party
einstein sez
19.04.2005 17:17
So, your company is getting an injunction to stop 5 people protesting?
Big enough to make bomb release mechanisms, not big enough to be reminded that they kill people, eh?
Come to the high Court on Monday 25th may
23.04.2005 20:12
Please bring anti arms trade banners along at 9.30 am on monday for a support pickett. It would also be good to have people outside at the end of the proceedings
tlc 4 edo
Harassment my arse my arse my arse my arse
13.05.2005 12:09
Everybody in this country who pays tax or buy's goods that are subject to vat pay towards the armed forces. Using your argument then they are just as guilty even you.
Bob the Builder
re. Harassment my arse my arse my arse my arse
16.05.2005 22:04
So I'm sorry, you're wrong and slightly silly in your comparison!
Where did they get the song title from
20.05.2005 14:27
Gordon is a moron
Move to another country ?
23.05.2005 19:32
The fact is, Bob, these sad LITTLE people cannot see the BIG picture.
Free Trader
Iraq: Setting the record straight
23.05.2005 20:04
This will doubtless be dismissed by some as American imperialist claptrap or something similar. However, for those of an unbiased disposition this report provides new insight into the facts surrounding the war. Sources used in compiling the report are extensively detailed.
I wonder if any of the smash edo folks will read this report with something even remotely akin to an open mind.
New American
Hey Bob
26.05.2005 22:59