As the government dramatically cuts back on its budget for pensions and public services, it can still find over £5bn for war.
On 23rd March, 1.5m public sector workers will strike over government attacks on their pensions. This issue cannot be seperated from the war.
Public meeting: PENSIONS NOT WAR
7.30pm, Wednesday 23rd March
St Andrew's Church Hall, Church Road, Hove.
Speakers: Paddy O'Keeffe (Respect ppc for Hove & Portslade and Chair of Sussex Action for Peace); Elaine Graham-Leigh (former leading Green Party activist); Andy Richards (Chair, Brighton & Hove City Council Unison); Muriel Hirsch (campaigning pesnioner).
Hosted by Respect Brighton & Hove. All Welcome.
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anti-war nationalism
18.03.2005 18:16
as many in this country and in the US have shown, it is possible to be anti-war but remain nationalist. this well established political philosophy wants to continue the oppression of foreign nations by means other than war. happy friendly clinton for example is known to have been responsible for more deaths through sanctions on iraq than bush has so far been with war. union support for the corporate pillage of the planet and its peoples in times of 'peace' has been catastrophic for foreign populations. the alternative to capitalist greed is not continually escalating wage demands from unions but continual demands for +less+ profit from the wealthy. take a look at a mumbai street and then ask yourself who is 'wealthy' and what right you have to want more. everyone needs to want a whole lot less. internationalise the struggle.
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You can be an Internationalist and defend pensions!...
19.03.2005 03:13
I'm against capitalism exploiting and enslaving Africa, Asia and Latin America. AND I'm also against capitalism robbing workers of their pension rights here.
Its all about putting people before profit, about coming together globally to oppose the obscene priorities of the global capitalist system.
Those who seek to divide us up thus against each other, pensioner against peasant, they merely help capital to rule over us all. Shame!
Barry Kade